When it comes to cooking steaks, many housewives think that is enough to run into the store to buy first caught the eye of a piece of meat, just throw it into the hot pan and - once! - A full dinner.
Nevertheless, many of us, trying to do this trick, have felt themselves victims of bad jokes - charred and ashen chunks of tough meat were quite inedible. Below you will find some tips how to choose the meat and how best to prepare.
Portions of one or two people
Filet-mignon: This dish is prepared from the tenderest, boneless cut, usually served at the table a little underdone and is considered a delicacy. These steaks from the short loin is better to cook at high temperatures. Although they are valued for their delicate flavor, it still lacks a thick meat flavor inherent in other types of steaks. After cooking the meat should put a piece of butter.
Beef "New York": Another classic recipe for roasting meat. Beef short loin, more delicious than Riba, but with a thick strip of fat along the edge, it is best to roast over an open fire, on hot coals.
Porterhouse: like his younger brother, T-bone steak, Porterhouse is valued highly in the literal and figurative sense. Half - similar to the "New York" and the second smaller piece is cut from the lumbar portion of the carcass. In preparing these steaks are tenderest short loin, the anterior-lumbar portion of beef carcasses. This is the meat usually has a mild taste. After a quick roasting on the coals of his need to "communicate" on the indirect fire. Someone first Marinate meat or uses spices, but usually just with salt and pepper piece before you put it on the frying pan.
Ribeye: often called "the king of the grill, Ribeye - a delicate, fragrant steak with thin strips of fat. The name he received because of the fact that he used pieces from the back of the beef carcass (rib - means "edge") is a wonderful meat is especially tasty in pickled form. Served as a bone, and without the (steak with sticking out of his great bone is called the "tomahawk"). Try the Rib Eye on a bone, to enjoy the rich flavorful. Many prefer to use it only lightly roasted, moreover, even after additional prozharivaniya he will not lose flavor.
Larger portions
The Breast: Its loose structure due to the presence of fat, and high content of connective tissue. Brisket should cook very slowly, on the indirect heat, 4-5 hours, and then cut into thin slices, the meat will turn very soft, with bright rich taste. It is believed that such a long cooking time is ideal for bacon, cooked differently, it would be harsh. Although the process requires certain skills, properly fried bacon literally splits into pieces and softest beautiful "comes" with different spices and sauces.
Fillet diaphragm: long, smooth and succulent. That meat is ideal for cooking tacos, fajitas and sandwiches. Moreover, even in pickled form, it does not lose its characteristic taste. It is easy to cook (with the handle even a novice cook). This delicious steak suitable not only for sandwiches: pre-marinated, browned (3-5 minutes per side), cut into pieces across the grain, this steak (like its cousin, the less fat and less expensive steak Flap) - Universal main dish for lunch.
Roast fillet: Fillet better slow roasted whole, without cutting it into individual pieces (as is the case with filet mignon), even though they cook faster, so the meat will absorb the smoke flavor that intensifies the taste. After cooking on indirect heat and cover the meat is better to leave for some time.
Tri-Tip: recipe is especially popular on the west coast of the USA. This juicy, lean and relatively inexpensive pieces of meat triangular shape. For frying had better choose a piece with the fatty layer on top - while cooking grease will soak into the meat, adding it juiciness. Prepare a marinade or dry on the indirect heat for 30-40 minutes.
Before cooking always give meat to warm up - rested at room temperature, it would be better to roast thoroughly. It is also worth carefully wipe a piece of paper napkins - so your steak will brown better. A special thermometer can help you determine the readiness dishes.
Portions of one or two people
Filet-mignon: This dish is prepared from the tenderest, boneless cut, usually served at the table a little underdone and is considered a delicacy. These steaks from the short loin is better to cook at high temperatures. Although they are valued for their delicate flavor, it still lacks a thick meat flavor inherent in other types of steaks. After cooking the meat should put a piece of butter.
Beef "New York": Another classic recipe for roasting meat. Beef short loin, more delicious than Riba, but with a thick strip of fat along the edge, it is best to roast over an open fire, on hot coals.
Porterhouse: like his younger brother, T-bone steak, Porterhouse is valued highly in the literal and figurative sense. Half - similar to the "New York" and the second smaller piece is cut from the lumbar portion of the carcass. In preparing these steaks are tenderest short loin, the anterior-lumbar portion of beef carcasses. This is the meat usually has a mild taste. After a quick roasting on the coals of his need to "communicate" on the indirect fire. Someone first Marinate meat or uses spices, but usually just with salt and pepper piece before you put it on the frying pan.
Ribeye: often called "the king of the grill, Ribeye - a delicate, fragrant steak with thin strips of fat. The name he received because of the fact that he used pieces from the back of the beef carcass (rib - means "edge") is a wonderful meat is especially tasty in pickled form. Served as a bone, and without the (steak with sticking out of his great bone is called the "tomahawk"). Try the Rib Eye on a bone, to enjoy the rich flavorful. Many prefer to use it only lightly roasted, moreover, even after additional prozharivaniya he will not lose flavor.
Larger portions
The Breast: Its loose structure due to the presence of fat, and high content of connective tissue. Brisket should cook very slowly, on the indirect heat, 4-5 hours, and then cut into thin slices, the meat will turn very soft, with bright rich taste. It is believed that such a long cooking time is ideal for bacon, cooked differently, it would be harsh. Although the process requires certain skills, properly fried bacon literally splits into pieces and softest beautiful "comes" with different spices and sauces.
Fillet diaphragm: long, smooth and succulent. That meat is ideal for cooking tacos, fajitas and sandwiches. Moreover, even in pickled form, it does not lose its characteristic taste. It is easy to cook (with the handle even a novice cook). This delicious steak suitable not only for sandwiches: pre-marinated, browned (3-5 minutes per side), cut into pieces across the grain, this steak (like its cousin, the less fat and less expensive steak Flap) - Universal main dish for lunch.
Roast fillet: Fillet better slow roasted whole, without cutting it into individual pieces (as is the case with filet mignon), even though they cook faster, so the meat will absorb the smoke flavor that intensifies the taste. After cooking on indirect heat and cover the meat is better to leave for some time.
Tri-Tip: recipe is especially popular on the west coast of the USA. This juicy, lean and relatively inexpensive pieces of meat triangular shape. For frying had better choose a piece with the fatty layer on top - while cooking grease will soak into the meat, adding it juiciness. Prepare a marinade or dry on the indirect heat for 30-40 minutes.
Before cooking always give meat to warm up - rested at room temperature, it would be better to roast thoroughly. It is also worth carefully wipe a piece of paper napkins - so your steak will brown better. A special thermometer can help you determine the readiness dishes.