Oat, until recently the most widespread and used cereal in the world, belongs to the gray grasses. One of the biggest advantages is its low content of gluten, which has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. He was the principal grasses in human nutrition, has been widely used for military purposes and in everyday life.
Oats - grass, the richest in fat, it contains many proteins that are rich in essential amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, methionine, and in the most favorable, close to the ideal ratio. Oat is rich in micro and macro. It more than in other cereals, iron, a lot of sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, potassium, found magnesium, chromium, manganese, zinc, nickel, fluorine, iodine, and others. Are essential oils, gum, vitamins B1, B2 and B6 and carotene (provitamin A), vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin H (biotin), niacin and pantothenic acid. Oat is rich in omega-3 and folate.
In the shell grains are substances that reduce blood sugar in diabetics, and koniferin - mild aphrodisiac. Oatmeal provides coating and anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa, used for abdominal pain and swelling. Oatmeal perfectly cleans the intestines, stimulates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the risk of various cancers in this part of the body, does not progress gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Oatmeal contains large quantities of natural antioxidants, substances that increase the body's resistance to various infections and adverse effects of the environment (radionuclides, heavy metals, etc.). Useful substances oatmeal, beta-glucans - dietary fiber, which dissolves and turn into a viscous mass that binds cholesterol. Oats in their composition - the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and B vitamins - is the best that determines its high nutritional properties.
In food uses a variety of seed oats, which has a thin silver shell. From it is prepared oatmeal, cereal, oatmeal and flour. Oatmeal and oat flour used to make kissels, confectionery treats, pancakes and other dough products, as pretty as a dressing for soups. 100 g oatmeal contained, water 13,5 g, Protein 10 g, fat 6.2 g, carbohydrates 57.8 g, 10.7 g fat, starch, 36.5 g, 421 mg potassium, calcium 117 mg magnesium 135 mg sodium 37 mg, 361 mg phosphorus, iron, 5530 mg, iodine 7.5 mg, 8 mg of cobalt, manganese, 5250 mg, copper 600 mcg, Molybdenum 39 mcg, 117 mcg of fluorine, zinc, 3610 mg, B-Carotene 0 02 mg, vitamin E (tocopherol) 2.8 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.48 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.12 mg, vitamin B9 (folic acid) 27 mcg, vitamin PP (niacin) 1,5 mg. Energy value 250 kcal.
In connection with the industrialization of the food industry oats gradually displaced from the reference products, more suited to industrial technology. However, for the preservation and maintenance of health is an indispensable product. Important role in reducing consumption of oats as a staple food has played and the fact that the vast majority of people today do not know how to cook dishes that contain this wonderful product. Oats is the so-called high-energy product, warming, and very useful in cold and damp, dank time of year, especially working on the street or in uncomfortable conditions.
Here is some recipes simple to prepare, but tasty and healthy products, including oats. Recipes are given as examples, rather than dogma, and easily transformed into other similar dishes. The main thing - more oats.
For the most advanced, with sophisticated tastes and are unable to satisfy the simplicity offered dishes, I suggest to dare yourself, nobody does not prevent or hinder, but in this case do not complain when something hurts.
At 2 cups oatmeal 3 cups of water taken. Better in the pot, you can in Kazan, who do not have - in a thick-walled pot, it is better not enameled. On the big fire, water quickly evaporated, pour porridge 0,5-1 cup beef broth and boil, stirring required. Separately in a frying pan until ready to put out 2-3 large onions, and carrots can be. In the cooked onions can add fresh-cut fennel, mixed with hot oatmeal, cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
When preparing meals of oatmeal, we must remember that for children, preparing milk porridge, use small oatmeal, while as for adults, preparing crumbly mess, use large flakes. In porridge for children, milk or no milk, no need to add sugar, fruit or better sweet berries, can be a little honey and cinnamon or vanilla.
Very tasty big oatmeal, brewing with boiling water, flavored with butter and fried onions, tasty and without butter with one onion, but do not make oatmeal out of a blurred. Especially helpful with constipation or other bowel problems.
Oatmeal soup with mackerel (mackerel)
Mackerel 100 g, 60 g oatmeal, carrots 50 g parsley (root) 15 g vegetable oil 10 g, 80 g onion, herbs, salt.
In mackerel remove the head, entrails, gills and fins - this is mandatory. Peel, cut into pieces. Carrots cut into sticks, onion cubes, spasserovat and drop into the water, cook on low heat, add the mackerel and cook for 10 minutes, pour cereal, root parsley or celery, salt, bring to readiness. Fill green.
At 100 g of finished product - 105,3 kcal calorie, protein 5.16 g, 5.28 g fat, carbohydrates, 9.89 g, water 77.66 PM
Vegetable stuffed
300 grams mushrooms, 250 grams of oat flakes, welded with boiling water, 2 large onions, 2 carrots, dill, parsley, cabbage leaves 5-10, depending on the size, half the celery, diced. Vegetable oil 100 g, 150 g iogurt
Fry mushrooms in oil, add chopped onion, grated carrot, salt and pepper, add oatmeal, lightly fry, turn off and add the chopped greens. Stir well. Cabbage leaf scald with boiling water. Wrap a warm minced cabbage leaves, fry in vegetable oil. Put a deep bowl, add water and yogurt. Saute until done, depending upon the size of cabbage leaves.
At 100 g of finished product: caloric 79.07 kcal, protein 2.24 g, 4.12 g fat, carbohydrates, 8.78 g, water 77.10 PM
Fritters Zucchini and carrots with oat flakes
250 g zucchini, 100 g of carrots, 1 large onion, 1 cup of oatmeal or cereal, 0.5 cups of rye flour, 1 egg, salt, 60 g of vegetable oil.
Flour or cereal put in bowl, brew with boiling water, add salt, egg, rubbed with zucchini and carrots, finely chopped onions, mix well. Frying pan to heat, before each serving lubricated with vegetable oil, when the cakes browned on one side, turn them into another. Pancakes hot, sprinkled with grated garlic. By the pancakes you can submit yogurt.
At 100 g of finished product: calorie 181.40 kcal, protein 4.21 g, fat 9.35 g, carbohydrates 21.44 g, water 60.77 PM on this model can be made from any vegetable fritters.
Eat you only when you are hungry, and the minimum, while always will be fine and tasty. Not overeat and stay healthy.
In the shell grains are substances that reduce blood sugar in diabetics, and koniferin - mild aphrodisiac. Oatmeal provides coating and anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa, used for abdominal pain and swelling. Oatmeal perfectly cleans the intestines, stimulates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the risk of various cancers in this part of the body, does not progress gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Oatmeal contains large quantities of natural antioxidants, substances that increase the body's resistance to various infections and adverse effects of the environment (radionuclides, heavy metals, etc.). Useful substances oatmeal, beta-glucans - dietary fiber, which dissolves and turn into a viscous mass that binds cholesterol. Oats in their composition - the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and B vitamins - is the best that determines its high nutritional properties.
In food uses a variety of seed oats, which has a thin silver shell. From it is prepared oatmeal, cereal, oatmeal and flour. Oatmeal and oat flour used to make kissels, confectionery treats, pancakes and other dough products, as pretty as a dressing for soups. 100 g oatmeal contained, water 13,5 g, Protein 10 g, fat 6.2 g, carbohydrates 57.8 g, 10.7 g fat, starch, 36.5 g, 421 mg potassium, calcium 117 mg magnesium 135 mg sodium 37 mg, 361 mg phosphorus, iron, 5530 mg, iodine 7.5 mg, 8 mg of cobalt, manganese, 5250 mg, copper 600 mcg, Molybdenum 39 mcg, 117 mcg of fluorine, zinc, 3610 mg, B-Carotene 0 02 mg, vitamin E (tocopherol) 2.8 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.48 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.12 mg, vitamin B9 (folic acid) 27 mcg, vitamin PP (niacin) 1,5 mg. Energy value 250 kcal.
In connection with the industrialization of the food industry oats gradually displaced from the reference products, more suited to industrial technology. However, for the preservation and maintenance of health is an indispensable product. Important role in reducing consumption of oats as a staple food has played and the fact that the vast majority of people today do not know how to cook dishes that contain this wonderful product. Oats is the so-called high-energy product, warming, and very useful in cold and damp, dank time of year, especially working on the street or in uncomfortable conditions.
Here is some recipes simple to prepare, but tasty and healthy products, including oats. Recipes are given as examples, rather than dogma, and easily transformed into other similar dishes. The main thing - more oats.
For the most advanced, with sophisticated tastes and are unable to satisfy the simplicity offered dishes, I suggest to dare yourself, nobody does not prevent or hinder, but in this case do not complain when something hurts.
At 2 cups oatmeal 3 cups of water taken. Better in the pot, you can in Kazan, who do not have - in a thick-walled pot, it is better not enameled. On the big fire, water quickly evaporated, pour porridge 0,5-1 cup beef broth and boil, stirring required. Separately in a frying pan until ready to put out 2-3 large onions, and carrots can be. In the cooked onions can add fresh-cut fennel, mixed with hot oatmeal, cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
When preparing meals of oatmeal, we must remember that for children, preparing milk porridge, use small oatmeal, while as for adults, preparing crumbly mess, use large flakes. In porridge for children, milk or no milk, no need to add sugar, fruit or better sweet berries, can be a little honey and cinnamon or vanilla.
Very tasty big oatmeal, brewing with boiling water, flavored with butter and fried onions, tasty and without butter with one onion, but do not make oatmeal out of a blurred. Especially helpful with constipation or other bowel problems.
Oatmeal soup with mackerel (mackerel)
Mackerel 100 g, 60 g oatmeal, carrots 50 g parsley (root) 15 g vegetable oil 10 g, 80 g onion, herbs, salt.
In mackerel remove the head, entrails, gills and fins - this is mandatory. Peel, cut into pieces. Carrots cut into sticks, onion cubes, spasserovat and drop into the water, cook on low heat, add the mackerel and cook for 10 minutes, pour cereal, root parsley or celery, salt, bring to readiness. Fill green.
At 100 g of finished product - 105,3 kcal calorie, protein 5.16 g, 5.28 g fat, carbohydrates, 9.89 g, water 77.66 PM
Vegetable stuffed
300 grams mushrooms, 250 grams of oat flakes, welded with boiling water, 2 large onions, 2 carrots, dill, parsley, cabbage leaves 5-10, depending on the size, half the celery, diced. Vegetable oil 100 g, 150 g iogurt
Fry mushrooms in oil, add chopped onion, grated carrot, salt and pepper, add oatmeal, lightly fry, turn off and add the chopped greens. Stir well. Cabbage leaf scald with boiling water. Wrap a warm minced cabbage leaves, fry in vegetable oil. Put a deep bowl, add water and yogurt. Saute until done, depending upon the size of cabbage leaves.
At 100 g of finished product: caloric 79.07 kcal, protein 2.24 g, 4.12 g fat, carbohydrates, 8.78 g, water 77.10 PM
Fritters Zucchini and carrots with oat flakes
250 g zucchini, 100 g of carrots, 1 large onion, 1 cup of oatmeal or cereal, 0.5 cups of rye flour, 1 egg, salt, 60 g of vegetable oil.
Flour or cereal put in bowl, brew with boiling water, add salt, egg, rubbed with zucchini and carrots, finely chopped onions, mix well. Frying pan to heat, before each serving lubricated with vegetable oil, when the cakes browned on one side, turn them into another. Pancakes hot, sprinkled with grated garlic. By the pancakes you can submit yogurt.
At 100 g of finished product: calorie 181.40 kcal, protein 4.21 g, fat 9.35 g, carbohydrates 21.44 g, water 60.77 PM on this model can be made from any vegetable fritters.
Eat you only when you are hungry, and the minimum, while always will be fine and tasty. Not overeat and stay healthy.