Menu layout is: why and how to make?

Serious route requires serious preparation. And the more attention, oddly enough, will be given to the food groups, taking into account not only the taste preferences of each of its members, but calorie, speed of preparation, conditions and terms of those or other products. To do this, and you must use "cookbook accounting" - namely, to make the menu-layout.

Each member of the group of tourists, usually performs some function. There are a manager, there zavsnar in charge of equipment, there are techniques and even a doctor. Plus, photographer, timekeeper, cartographer ... Who forgot? Cooks, who is also the assistant warden. To him and requested to draw up the main culinary document.

A man who never before drawing any such thing is not engaged, menu-layout seemed a Chinese puzzle. "I will certainly not be able to manage", - thinks the beginner and to the question "What will we eat?" Asked to take something to your taste. This is a sure way to ensure that the group was not salt, but it was three kilograms of pasta. And all because the participants just took out of the house that was available for the main noticing little things.

In fact, menu layout is easy to make and use it conveniently. In fact these are two different documents - the menu and layout. And one follows from another. And with the menu we somehow know everything. It should contain the name of the dish and its ingredients. The menu we will be in the form of ordinary table.

Before you tackle the preparation of the menu, put a plan before the campaign. A clear understanding of how early you rise, be it time for a full meal or snack will have limited, if not threatened by a group overnight without water, how many kilometers will need to pass the day. Now you can start drawing up menus.

Create a spreadsheet - in Word or Excel, it does not matter. Stoubtsy need four: "The day hike", "Dish", "Products" and "Notes". The first column in each new line indicates not only a day hike, but the number per month. It will be easier to navigate. "Dish" will be divided into three lines in each camp day - for breakfast, lunch (snack) and dinner.

To brighten up the camp life, to invent dishes funny names like "Joy tourist", "Burda camp", "Oatmeal, sir." Believe me, nobody will be angry at the sight of the position Childhood toothless ", while a simple" semolina "cooks can anathema!

"Products" - the most important line of your menu. It is here carefully considered all the components of your dish. Let us consider a concrete example of the calculation to 10 people. We cook pasta for the Navy and tea. Pasta need kilogram, corned beef - a minimum of 2 standard 400-gram bottles, bay leaf - 2 leaves, sauce - 1 pack, salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons and spices, about 30 grams of tea (one third of 100-gram pack), 200 grams of sugar. This is the bare minimum, without which to cook the dish will not succeed.

In the "Notes" refers to everything except. For example, a particular time or preparation of a dish. You can record a variation on the theme "if something is forgotten." This will help fantasy cook.

Menu ready? Getting to the layout. Even without any tables, just a list on the next page. It is easier first to write a column all the cereals, then - canned food, then - vegetables, and then other teas, spices and bread. Manage? We call on the assistance the rest of the talent of math and detailed manner, up to a gram, calculate the amount of each product according to the list.

And sugar is better to take a pound more than the leaves on the layout - in the group will always be those who love sweet. Adding a hundred grams of cereal is also not forbidden: then what will be a generous hand pour supplements.

Have counted layout, found the number of products. Now, distributing them among the parties, strictly fixing the who and how much of what bears. Then print the resulting document copies in three - the cook on duty and reserve.

Like any document, menu, layout requires unquestioning execution. Therefore, the assistant warden, who is also the cook, must possess not only the culinary talents, but also unbending will. And let you stick insulting word "zazhimprod", but give cooking should be only what is indicated in the menu. Otherwise, there is a chance to go hungry in the middle, and you will again find yourself to blame.

Talent caretaker, and housekeeper curmudgeon by nature, are usually estimated in the last day of the campaign, when literally "out of the sleeve on an improvised table tossing some goodies, savings on the route. And what could be nicer to cook than an empty pot, shiny bowls and ovation when the question of "Chef, but not all the dishes are eaten?", You can honestly answer: "No!"