How simple and delicious to cook several dishes of fish for dinner

Fish baked in the oven

For this recipe we will need (proportion - are arbitrary): fish, onion, mayonnaise, cheese, flour, lemon juice (optional), canned corn (optional).

Defrosted fish divided by a la carte pieces. I usually do chunks of approximately 10 cm Pour lemon juice, roll in flour and lightly fried in vegetable oil. When I was lazy, roast I ignore, but so tasty. Then Put the fish in the form, sprinkle with finely chopped onion rings, if you want - corn. It is now mayonnaise. It can be mixed with sour cream or substitute for this, more useful, product. Top and sprinkle everything with grated cheese. And - in the oven. After 20-30 minutes the dish is ready.

Fish in batter or in cheese

These recipes are like, so give them together. We need: fish, salt, lemon juice, flour. For the batter: 2-3 eggs, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1-2 tablespoons of flour. You can add grated cheese to the batter (if a little cheese).

Preparation quite simple. Portion fish slices in this case it is better to do less than the previous - approximately 4-5 cm in length. Fish meal, then - in the batter. And - in a frying pan. If you want to fish with a wonderful cheese crust, then the procedure is slightly different: flour, then egg and finally grated on a fine grater cheese. Last in this case takes quite a lot.

Fish Pie

Very tasty dish that does not require a garnish. A dinner is eaten immediately. By the way, as the guest version of this cake, too, would be very appropriate.

We need: fish fillet and fried onions, cheese, 2-3 eggs, 200 grams of mayonnaise and sour cream, 1 cup flour, baking soda.

Of the eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour (it should add baking soda), salt make a dough that for consistency should look like on pancakes. Part (a little less than half) is poured onto a greased form. We spread fried onions, then - cut thin plates of fish fillets in a fan, so that each piece has got to fish. On top pour the remaining batter and sprinkle with grated cheese. And - for 20-30 minutes in the oven.

Here are some simple recipes. Perhaps some of them you are familiar, but those few dishes help me greatly enrich our evening menu. And most important - at least for the lady of labor. So, bon appetit!