Vegetable dishes. What can you cook eggplant? Appetizers Masterpiece


Eggplant in Ajike
3 kg of eggplant, tomatoes, 3 kg, 1 kg of pepper, 2 garlic cloves, 2 grains pepper, 6 tablespoons of 9% of th vinegar, 3 tablespoons salt, 1 cup sugar 1 cup vegetable oil, chili pepper.

Eggplant cut into thick slices 2 cm and lower for 20 minutes in boiling scrolled vegetable mixture.
Arrange in a sterile banks and roll. Exit - about 6 liters.

Savory eggplant

5 kilograms of eggplants, 200 g of garlic, red pepper 4 pieces, 2 pieces of hot pepper, 0,5 liters of sunflower oil.
Marinade: 5 liters of water, 1 cup salt, 1 cup sugar 3-4 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons of 70% of th vinegar.

Marinade a boil after boiling it add the vinegar. Put a pint sliced eggplant, cook for 10 minutes, extracted from brine and places them on a large platter. Garlic and pepper grind in a meat grinder and mix with eggplant. Heated sunflower oil and fill the eggplant. Spread on banks and sterilize 15 minutes cans 750

Salad of chopped eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and carrots

2 kg eggplant, 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kilo of pepper, 0.5 kg of carrots, 2 bunches of parsley, 2 garlic cloves, 100 grams of vinegar, 500 grams of sunflower oil, 100 grams sugar, 50 grams of salt. Chop all the vegetables on the grater, then add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar. Cook for 45 minutes.
Add chopped herbs and garlic. Writing boil for another 15 minutes. Roll.

Eggplant caviar from roasted eggplant

Bake eggplant in the oven until tender, free from the skin, rub with a fork, mix with grated onion (small to medium onion, eggplant). Salt, pepper, gradually introduce sunflower oil, whisking constantly mix with a fork, and get a great taste of eggplant caviar, though lackluster pale green.

Solely because of this we introduce a mixture of ketchup or tomato paste. Caviar ready. It could just eat with a spoon or spread on bread.

Eggplant rolls

Eggplant cut along the seams as thick as 1 centimeter, fry on both sides. Because they absorb a lot of fat, we use the trick:

1. Poddavlivaya fried eggplant with a spoon and tilting the dish with eggplant, remove excess oil.
2. Lightly boil eggplant in salted water, strain off and then fry.
3. Lubricates layers of eggplant with egg white and fry.

On the cooled layers should be laid with stuffing and turn them roll. We can give free rein to imagination, as the eggplant perfectly match with any vegetables, meat, herbs and spices.

1. Cottage cheese or rubbed cheese, feta cheese mixed with mayonnaise, garlic, crushed and finely chopped dill. Proportions to taste.
2. Korean carrot with mayonnaise and crushed nuts.
3. Feta cheese, chopped walnuts, fresh herbs, garlic and coriander.
4. Mayonnaise, grated cucumber, fresh or pickled.
5. Chopped walnuts, pomegranate seeds, mayonnaise, garlic and oregano.
6. Very attire roll eggplant, when there peeps slice of red tomato, yellow pepper strips and green sprig of dill. (Daubed side of eggplant with mayonnaise and garlic, put on namazku tomato, pepper and dill, turn roll.)

Roasted eggplant circles use in the construction of towers of eggplant, tomatoes and cheese, which are held on eggplant stuffed-namazkoy of mayonnaise and grated garlic. Top turret decorate with dill or parsley.