Cabbage. How to grow, detach and cut?

"Detach the cabbage", "chop cabbage" - knows all this and knows everyone ... Sorry, a slip: Well, you know something everyone here can not everyone. And even know, not everyone!

And yet, kale is here to stay hard life with her working routine, not always happy holidays and a predominantly vegetarian (for different reasons) table: Whose "Cabbage" is not enough (or simply does not exist) are forced to fend for weekdays and holidays cabbage "kokletkami .

And for someone to imagine, "cabbage" hobby became a fascinating profession. And the "cut" they her something, "cabbage", regularly, relentlessly, night and day, and at Norilsk and on the Canaries, and in Paris and in the boonies ... God be their judge. Let's talk about some cabbage, completely edible - garden.

In ancient times the Archangel gardeners never was given a cabbage. Approaching autumn, and cabbages are not struck up. The old men grumbled that the whole thing in the dark nights. From Archangel to the North Pole - "throw", and there all summer - "Polar Day". Nights - light. Young people laughing at old people - say, all this nonsense. In the meantime, the market itself was the usual "Kapustina" the size of a fist. And if brought to market cabbages bigger, for a couple of pounds, people gathered, amazed sight.

The news came to Petersburg. The editor of one magazine dispatched a mission staff member. He walked through the gardens, talked to the people. As the saying goes, "just opened the casket": first, the northerners planted cabbage too late, and secondly, poorly prepared soil (like cabbage, when the land around it "vspushivayut, and more than once), and thirdly, the heat is not watered, so that the soil dried out to the limit. And, fourthly, do not fight the pest. Well, where is take a good Kocani, with such an attitude?

Brassica oleracea L.
Cruciferous, or cabbage (Brassicaceae)

Homeland cabbage is considered the Mediterranean coast. Today, wild plants can be found on the rocky shores of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic - for example, in Ireland, southern England, in Normandy, on the island of Lalande in Denmark.

Kale came into cultivation in Europe, likely before the relocation of the Celtic tribes of Asia. Perhaps it is a merit of the ancient Iberian population of Western Europe, had paid attention to the wild cabbage. In Basque, incidentally, is still an ancient - perhaps even the original-the original - the name of cabbage: "atsa. In today's Iberia (more precisely, Iberia), Transcaucasian, with cabbage too familiar.

De Candolle believed that the first class and the cultural variety of cabbage came from the ancient Greeks. Theophrastus distinguished three varieties of cabbage, Pliny - six.

Since ancient times, cabbage knew and respected - deservedly. Alexander of Macedon believed that before the battle, the soldiers have not just been well fed, but always food and cabbage. In this he saw a guarantee power of his army. Not forgetting, of course, about the tactics and strategy. Could win almost half of Asia helped him cabbage? ..

Pythagoras once wrote: "Cabbage supports cheerfulness and joy, calm mood. Pliny the Elder for nearly twenty centuries ago, left to posterity, among others, the following lines: "How long it would list all the commendable features cabbage!"

Cato the Elder (234-149 years. BCE) said: "The Cabbage - the best vegetable. Eat it damp or boiled. If you want to eat it raw, then soak in vinegar, then it becomes digestible (well with a gastro-intestinal tract - approx. Author) and healthy. Very good food (cabbage), a little before dinner, and then after dinner.

The physician Chrysippus even dedicated a special cabbage essay examined in detail the action that it has on human bodies. Other doctors of antiquity recommended to feed cabbage small children - to grow their beautiful, bold, strong and healthy. One of the Roman physicians believed that only through the cabbage Romans could do without drugs (I think he clearly idealized - or cabbage, or his dear old fellow).

In Kievan Rus cabbage successfully treated with liver disease, stomach, intestine, it was treated ulcers, burns, and even festering wounds - for this he had to cook a cabbage leaves in milk, mixed with bran, and then apply to other injuries. There. Cheap and strong! ..

Ways to spread cultural cabbage light whimsical. In Egypt, according to Academician Komarova, she appeared from the West, and not before the 6 th century BC. From Ancient Rome passed into the territory, named after Germany. German writers deduce the German name of cabbage - "ring" - from distorted Latin "kaulis", ie "stalk" or "cabbage stalk". But the ancient Slavs (and possibly, the Scythians, crop almost done) imported this extremely useful culture from the Greco-Roman settlers in the Crimea, together with the name originating from the word "kaput", which means "head", according to the Roman designation cabbage heads.

Headed (or ordinary) cabbage - all the usual kind of kale (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata DC.) - Characterized by a short stalk with numerous succulent leaves, firmly attached to each other. Moreover, the lower overlap (like wrapping) on the upper, more tender, young leaves. The whole head in longitudinal section resembles a giant bud.

Preservation by fermentation of cabbage first invented the ancient Slavs. Later, these methods save valuable product borrowed from the Germanic tribes of the Slavs. In fact, sauerkraut is a silo. Obtained by fermentation juice finely cut by and salted cabbage. Lactic acid bacteria, influencing the sugar, turning it into lactic acid, and the presence of a mass of sauerkraut lactic acid prevents the development of putrefactive and other microorganisms.

Cabbage contains almost full "" gentleman "vitamins, without which normal life - pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, group B, and even antiulcer vitamin, prevents gastric and duodenal ulcers, helping in the complex treatment of gastritis, hepatitis and colitis. This vitamin is best "works" at a low pH (it should only take into account that for the treatment of the above diseases in no case be cabbage pickle),. At the outer leaves contain much more vitamins than in cabbage.

In cabbage contains almost 2% sugar, about 3% of crude protein (from 1,8 to 3,3%), up to 0,7% fat, mineral salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Potassium, in particular, contributes to the removal from the body of excess fluids and improves the heart muscle.

Cabbage normalizes motility, a positive effect on the development of beneficial intestinal microflora, contributes to the release of excess cholesterol, which helps to combat the emergence and development of atherosclerosis.

At the end of the conversation by tradition recipe:

Cabbage burgers

One Kapustina medium sized, 3-4 tablespoons of semolina, 2-3 eggs, a teaspoon of sugar. Salt, 4 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil, 3-4 tablespoons of ground dried bread, half a cup of sour cream.

Finely shredded cabbage boil for some time with one tablespoon butter. By adding the semolina, mix well and cook another 10 minutes. Cool it, add egg yolks, salt and sugar, beaten egg whites, stir. From cooked more or less uniform mass do burgers (separating a portion of a tablespoon). They should roll under in breadcrumbs and fry in oil.