By tradition, the meat in the East by men. Paid to women - pellet stove. They eat mainly mutton there. Let us and we will make something out of lamb. Offer baked leg of lamb.
Imagine: you go out to the guests with a dish that is still smolders tender delicious meat with red edging, from spicy aroma which head is spinning from the audience. If you have prepared the dish, observing all the details, no doubt, will attach feast with an exotic oriental flavor.
Bake leg of lamb in the oven whole, at first glance, the large labor is not. But above all it should be free from grease and films, as from them comes an unpleasant smell even at a young lamb. This procedure requires a sharp knife, but they can damage the surface of the meat and spoil the dish. It is better to do so.
With the wide end of leg of mutton type knife under the layer of fat and gently stir blade from side to side and up and down. When the fat layer will start to lag behind the meat, take it over the edge and pull up with force, thereby pulling from the main piece. At the same time as the separation of the fat layer carefully cut the film between fat and meat, taking care not to damage the meat. If you find any remaining pieces of fat and films, trim their sharp flexible knife, leading edge along the surface of meat.
So, leg of lamb free of fat and films. Thoroughly rinse and dry it.
To bake the leg of lamb in the oven, there are different options. You can marinate mutton, lard, cover with breadcrumbs or combine all of these operations.
To marinate a leg of mutton, soak it for several hours (up to days) in water with vinegar (0,5-1 cup vinegar to 1 liter of water) with added salt, sugar, chopped onions, peas, pepper, bay leaf and other spices. After the required time, remove the leg of lamb from the marinade, dry off it, rub red pepper, mint and rosemary powder, mustard, slightly diluted with red wine and leave for a couple of hours in the film.
This is just one of the options pretreatment leg of mutton before baking. It can also be completely soaked in wine with spices or kvass, rub with a mixture of herbs, minced ginger, garlic mass, hop-suneli etc.
The same with shpigovaniem. What is not only stuffed leg of lamb before her bake! In the punctures made in the meat at a slight angle in the direction of the bone, insert the tapered wedges raw carrots, a plate of garlic, strips of sweet and hot peppers, slices of hard sour apples, slices of bacon, prunes, pitted, juniper berries, stuffed with a mixture of dry herbs. Even here, one French recipe, use anchovy - small salted fish or pieces of herring.
Stuffed anyway obmazhte leg of lamb with vegetable oil (it, by the way, you can insist on herbs) and proceed directly to the roasting leg of mutton in the oven.
First leg of lamb should fry that its surface is "seized" that is covered with a solid crust, which keeps the inside meat juice, soaking all the pulp. To do this, place the leg of lamb in a strongly (up to 230 °) pre-heated oven on the grill or on a greased baking sheet and hold it at such intense heating up to 4 minutes, no more.
Then a sharp turn down the oven temperature to about 160 °, and in this mode bake until cooked leg of lamb (with a weight of 3,2-3,5 kg - approximately 1 hour 15 minutes). In general, the time of roasting leg of mutton depends, primarily, from the lamb meat - whether it is the young lamb (especially appreciate gourmet meat lambs born in late winter and had something to eat young grass), whether a mature lamb - as well as the magnitude leg of mutton. Juicy grilled meat is obtained if the cooking time determine the rate of 20 minutes for each kilogram of lamb. If this ratio is reduced to 15 minutes, the meat will turn to blood. Keep in mind that the marinated, soaked leg of lamb cooked longer than polished or laced with spices.
If you want to be sure that the whole leg of lamb evenly propechetsya, cover it (no need to wrap up) 40-50 minutes after the start of cooking food foil sheet.
Meat can be considered ready when a puncture made by a sharp stick, stands a bright, almost transparent juice.
Roast leg of lamb is served entirely on the beautiful dish in the frame of pickled vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, or other garnish. On bone is well put papillotte. The master table lifts for her leg of lamb and a sharp knife cuts along the bone plate of hot sweet meat to his guests. This procedure is crowned the whole process of cooking lamb leg and therefore should look solemn.
Bake leg of lamb in the oven whole, at first glance, the large labor is not. But above all it should be free from grease and films, as from them comes an unpleasant smell even at a young lamb. This procedure requires a sharp knife, but they can damage the surface of the meat and spoil the dish. It is better to do so.
With the wide end of leg of mutton type knife under the layer of fat and gently stir blade from side to side and up and down. When the fat layer will start to lag behind the meat, take it over the edge and pull up with force, thereby pulling from the main piece. At the same time as the separation of the fat layer carefully cut the film between fat and meat, taking care not to damage the meat. If you find any remaining pieces of fat and films, trim their sharp flexible knife, leading edge along the surface of meat.
So, leg of lamb free of fat and films. Thoroughly rinse and dry it.
To bake the leg of lamb in the oven, there are different options. You can marinate mutton, lard, cover with breadcrumbs or combine all of these operations.
To marinate a leg of mutton, soak it for several hours (up to days) in water with vinegar (0,5-1 cup vinegar to 1 liter of water) with added salt, sugar, chopped onions, peas, pepper, bay leaf and other spices. After the required time, remove the leg of lamb from the marinade, dry off it, rub red pepper, mint and rosemary powder, mustard, slightly diluted with red wine and leave for a couple of hours in the film.
This is just one of the options pretreatment leg of mutton before baking. It can also be completely soaked in wine with spices or kvass, rub with a mixture of herbs, minced ginger, garlic mass, hop-suneli etc.
The same with shpigovaniem. What is not only stuffed leg of lamb before her bake! In the punctures made in the meat at a slight angle in the direction of the bone, insert the tapered wedges raw carrots, a plate of garlic, strips of sweet and hot peppers, slices of hard sour apples, slices of bacon, prunes, pitted, juniper berries, stuffed with a mixture of dry herbs. Even here, one French recipe, use anchovy - small salted fish or pieces of herring.
Stuffed anyway obmazhte leg of lamb with vegetable oil (it, by the way, you can insist on herbs) and proceed directly to the roasting leg of mutton in the oven.
First leg of lamb should fry that its surface is "seized" that is covered with a solid crust, which keeps the inside meat juice, soaking all the pulp. To do this, place the leg of lamb in a strongly (up to 230 °) pre-heated oven on the grill or on a greased baking sheet and hold it at such intense heating up to 4 minutes, no more.
Then a sharp turn down the oven temperature to about 160 °, and in this mode bake until cooked leg of lamb (with a weight of 3,2-3,5 kg - approximately 1 hour 15 minutes). In general, the time of roasting leg of mutton depends, primarily, from the lamb meat - whether it is the young lamb (especially appreciate gourmet meat lambs born in late winter and had something to eat young grass), whether a mature lamb - as well as the magnitude leg of mutton. Juicy grilled meat is obtained if the cooking time determine the rate of 20 minutes for each kilogram of lamb. If this ratio is reduced to 15 minutes, the meat will turn to blood. Keep in mind that the marinated, soaked leg of lamb cooked longer than polished or laced with spices.
If you want to be sure that the whole leg of lamb evenly propechetsya, cover it (no need to wrap up) 40-50 minutes after the start of cooking food foil sheet.
Meat can be considered ready when a puncture made by a sharp stick, stands a bright, almost transparent juice.
Roast leg of lamb is served entirely on the beautiful dish in the frame of pickled vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, or other garnish. On bone is well put papillotte. The master table lifts for her leg of lamb and a sharp knife cuts along the bone plate of hot sweet meat to his guests. This procedure is crowned the whole process of cooking lamb leg and therefore should look solemn.