Knowledgeable people say that once was an old custom. When, in the southern villages on the street was a wedding, the head of the procession carried a villager on the neck gleaming in the sunlight a huge wreath of red onions - like the logo being a young family.
And to this day in the markets can be seen and wreaths, and "spit", woven from the bow. Bulbs are not intertwined with rope, and his green pen, which gradually dries up, and podsohnuv freely hold the weight of "spit". Why you have this tradition? Because it is usually stored onions bad - half from the force. But in braids, woven with one another faded green feather is kept for much longer!
Allium cepa L.
Onion family (Alliaceae)
Perennial or Biennial, 30-80 cm tall, tepals greenish-white. Flowering onions throughout the summer, from June to August. For the onions are typical hollow leaves, proceeding from the globular-oblate or oblong bulbs with a yellowish-brown, white or reddish membranous scales. Flower is also a hollow needle, up to 1 m in the lower part swollen.
In the wild, this plant is unknown. Homeland onions, apparently - Front or Central Asia, the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan.
Once it was thought that the deeper the centuries lost information about the origins of noble family, so he is notable. In this case, onions - a real aristocrat imperial or royal blood. It is hard to tell where it started to grow up before - in China, India or in ancient Egypt. At least the Egyptians onion was well known and used in large quantities even in the IV millennium BC.
Preserved evidence of the historian Herodotus, dated V century BC that the great pyramid of Cheops at Giza there is an inscription - "For radish, onion and garlic going to eat his servants, paid 1,600 talents of silver." This suggests that while in Egypt, onions not just valued, but not pity him for the slaves.
Expensive prized bow and during the Crusades - is well known that the French were exchanged among fellow Muslim prisoners at the price of eight bulbs per person. Among the superstitions, wonderfully combined with an almost fanatical Christian faith, was a - that protects the bulb from the arrows, swords and halberds strikes. However, onion protection should thoroughly reinforce the martial art that is not owned by all the crusaders.
A few words about the names. "Look, pliz" - from English: "Look, please." It's time, I think, to move from English to the Latin language: it is possible, the Latin name a bow - "flail" - comes from the Celtic "cap" or "cap", meaning "head". The name is quite clearly indicates the shape of the bulb. It is possible that the ancient Celts long before the Germanic knew about the existence of a bow - probably from the same Romans.
Almost a thousand years ago the great Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), in his "Canon of Medicine wrote:" ... Look particularly helpful from harm poor water if you throw into it the chopped onion, this is one of destroying its aroma. Onion juice is useful in contaminated wounds, lubricate eyes squeezed juice of onion with honey is useful from the whites. Onion juice helps with angina ... Edible onion ... strengthens a weak stomach and stimulates appetite.
In the East a long time ago had a saying: "Look, in the arms of your passes every disease."
Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, onions also valued. Since the time of Kievan Rus know the famous "Onion - seven disease. Indeed, our ancestors used the bow for almost all diseases. In order to "finally mended," smell, the ancient Romans, eating onions, ate the leaves of parsley and walnuts. If you can not get rid of the smell that way, you can at least rinse your mouth with warm water.
By the way, peculiar smell of onions depends on the availability of its essential oil, the bulk of which is disulfide. And the benefit from the use of onions, of course, connected with many other substances - such as nitrogen (which is 70% from protein) to 14% fructose, maltose, sucrose, as well as the polysaccharide inulin, carotene, pantothenic acid, flavonoid quercetin, saponin , enzymes, vitamins B, D, E, C, volatile.
About fitoncid is to say more. In the thirties of last century scientist B. Tokin found in some plants, the volatile antimicrobial substances, called them sweet smells - from the Greek "Fitton," that is "plant" and Latin "tsido", which translates as "kill" - which is actually having a devastating effect on pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococci, Trichomonas, as well as diphtheria, dysentery and tuberculosis bacillus. So the bow is really useful.
In addition, it stimulates appetite, improves digestion and strengthens the gastric juice, onion generally creates the best conditions for the assimilation of the organism varied diet.
Onion blends well with almost all foods. Also has anti-sclerotic (normalizes blood cholesterol) effect, helps the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension, and stimulates the secretory activity and the work of muscles (peristalsis) of the intestine, improving the overall condition of patients with constipation and diabetes.
Inhalation of vapors onion helps with sore throat, cough, and pulp of onion can cure a cold (but this tool should not be abused so as not to damage the mucous surface of the nasopharynx). If her Add the grated apple pulp can help with the inflammation of the tonsils - but for this we must try it at least eat. With a force not to everyone! ..
Coughing in people treated as onion juice with honey or sugar syrup. In folk medicine for millennia onion was used as an aphrodisiac that increases sexual potency, and as anthelminthic. Phytoncides onions devastating for viruses and bacteria.
Onions, cooked in milk or baked in pastry, used in people with boils and abscesses in the form of compresses. Grated fresh onion helps with bruising.
It was believed that the onion juice strengthens hair roots and prevents hair loss that onions help with the noise and twitching sensations in my ears or if the ear is flowing, but without the painful symptoms. If you put a sliced onion to the temples and forehead, you can get rid of the headache. Folk medicine is practiced, even the establishment of the menstrual cycle, removing freckles and wrinkles with a bow!
Onion is one of the most efficient means (along with licorice root) for treatment of adenoma and hypertrophy of the prostate, prostatitis, caused by sexually transmitted diseases. The women used the juice of onion tampons for the treatment of cervical erosion. Mix onion with glycerin (drug "Allilglitserin") is used to treat trihomonadnyh colpitis - inflammation of the female genital organs. Lukov juice, some doctors recommend that lubricate the scalp with seborrhea (from the Latin word "sebum" which means "fat" and Greek "REO" - "Tuku"), dandruff and flaking skin.
However, the onions should not be abused - especially in severe lesions of the kidneys and liver, heart, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer (in these cases, the inclusion in the diet food, even small amounts of onion is possible only with the permission of the attending physician).
It should also draw attention to the advice "from time immemorial" the founder of herbal medicines - Galena. He said that "for choleric onion is useful for phlegmatic - great healer.
That is, according to the doctor, the temperament and character of a person is important to determine the appropriateness and amount of consumption of onions.
Onion varieties differ in taste - sharp, peninsula, sweet, to the ability of follicles to branching (multicavity and malognezdnye) in color and shape of the bulb. Particularly well known varieties used "Spanish sweet" and "bondage". Countries with the highest number (recalculated per capita) were grown onions, traditionally regarded as Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia. With regard to the annual global harvest of onions, it has already significantly exceeded seven million tons.
Two words about kinship, "cousins" and "cousins". In addition to onion, wide popularity enjoyed by leek (Allium porrum L.), Annual and Biennial 50-80 cm tall with elongated cylindrical onion and shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.), perennial herb 20-40 cm tall, with awl-shaped hollow bulbs and a light pink or light purple perianth. Homeland those plants - the eastern Mediterranean. In general, the genus belongs to the onion about three hundred species, and many of the wild species used for food.
Thanks to a peculiar odor and flavor, onion is widely used as a seasoning to a wide range of foods - raw or toasted as onions (and green leaves) are used for filling soups, borscht, Kapustnikov and second courses, vegetables and meat, are part of salads and salads, are indispensable and important part of fish, meat and canned vegetables.
Of the huge variety of dishes we choose and offer you the only two recipes - in fact for the most complete listing them all it would take, probably several bulky volumes.
Onion Salad "Viva France! .."
By finely chopped onions, add sour apple gall. Then mash with a fork a boiled egg. Salad is ready! The French believe that if a married couple to build a similar salad "one for two", it has a tonic effect shortly will certainly please both! ..
Onion Casserole
250-300 g onion slice, sprinkle with oil, and covering pan with a lid, put the (occasionally stirring) in the oven or stove. When the onion "comes", to shift in the pan and sprinkled with grated crackers, put another layer of stewed onions. Bay onion whipped with herbs (dill and parsley, celery or "feathers" of green onions - in any combination, to taste), egg and a little salted, bake until done.
From the book "Be Your Own herb or edible plants-healers" (Kiev, Publishing House "Green Dog").
Allium cepa L.
Onion family (Alliaceae)
Perennial or Biennial, 30-80 cm tall, tepals greenish-white. Flowering onions throughout the summer, from June to August. For the onions are typical hollow leaves, proceeding from the globular-oblate or oblong bulbs with a yellowish-brown, white or reddish membranous scales. Flower is also a hollow needle, up to 1 m in the lower part swollen.
In the wild, this plant is unknown. Homeland onions, apparently - Front or Central Asia, the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan.
Once it was thought that the deeper the centuries lost information about the origins of noble family, so he is notable. In this case, onions - a real aristocrat imperial or royal blood. It is hard to tell where it started to grow up before - in China, India or in ancient Egypt. At least the Egyptians onion was well known and used in large quantities even in the IV millennium BC.
Preserved evidence of the historian Herodotus, dated V century BC that the great pyramid of Cheops at Giza there is an inscription - "For radish, onion and garlic going to eat his servants, paid 1,600 talents of silver." This suggests that while in Egypt, onions not just valued, but not pity him for the slaves.
Expensive prized bow and during the Crusades - is well known that the French were exchanged among fellow Muslim prisoners at the price of eight bulbs per person. Among the superstitions, wonderfully combined with an almost fanatical Christian faith, was a - that protects the bulb from the arrows, swords and halberds strikes. However, onion protection should thoroughly reinforce the martial art that is not owned by all the crusaders.
A few words about the names. "Look, pliz" - from English: "Look, please." It's time, I think, to move from English to the Latin language: it is possible, the Latin name a bow - "flail" - comes from the Celtic "cap" or "cap", meaning "head". The name is quite clearly indicates the shape of the bulb. It is possible that the ancient Celts long before the Germanic knew about the existence of a bow - probably from the same Romans.
Almost a thousand years ago the great Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), in his "Canon of Medicine wrote:" ... Look particularly helpful from harm poor water if you throw into it the chopped onion, this is one of destroying its aroma. Onion juice is useful in contaminated wounds, lubricate eyes squeezed juice of onion with honey is useful from the whites. Onion juice helps with angina ... Edible onion ... strengthens a weak stomach and stimulates appetite.
In the East a long time ago had a saying: "Look, in the arms of your passes every disease."
Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, onions also valued. Since the time of Kievan Rus know the famous "Onion - seven disease. Indeed, our ancestors used the bow for almost all diseases. In order to "finally mended," smell, the ancient Romans, eating onions, ate the leaves of parsley and walnuts. If you can not get rid of the smell that way, you can at least rinse your mouth with warm water.
By the way, peculiar smell of onions depends on the availability of its essential oil, the bulk of which is disulfide. And the benefit from the use of onions, of course, connected with many other substances - such as nitrogen (which is 70% from protein) to 14% fructose, maltose, sucrose, as well as the polysaccharide inulin, carotene, pantothenic acid, flavonoid quercetin, saponin , enzymes, vitamins B, D, E, C, volatile.
About fitoncid is to say more. In the thirties of last century scientist B. Tokin found in some plants, the volatile antimicrobial substances, called them sweet smells - from the Greek "Fitton," that is "plant" and Latin "tsido", which translates as "kill" - which is actually having a devastating effect on pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococci, Trichomonas, as well as diphtheria, dysentery and tuberculosis bacillus. So the bow is really useful.
In addition, it stimulates appetite, improves digestion and strengthens the gastric juice, onion generally creates the best conditions for the assimilation of the organism varied diet.
Onion blends well with almost all foods. Also has anti-sclerotic (normalizes blood cholesterol) effect, helps the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension, and stimulates the secretory activity and the work of muscles (peristalsis) of the intestine, improving the overall condition of patients with constipation and diabetes.
Inhalation of vapors onion helps with sore throat, cough, and pulp of onion can cure a cold (but this tool should not be abused so as not to damage the mucous surface of the nasopharynx). If her Add the grated apple pulp can help with the inflammation of the tonsils - but for this we must try it at least eat. With a force not to everyone! ..
Coughing in people treated as onion juice with honey or sugar syrup. In folk medicine for millennia onion was used as an aphrodisiac that increases sexual potency, and as anthelminthic. Phytoncides onions devastating for viruses and bacteria.
Onions, cooked in milk or baked in pastry, used in people with boils and abscesses in the form of compresses. Grated fresh onion helps with bruising.
It was believed that the onion juice strengthens hair roots and prevents hair loss that onions help with the noise and twitching sensations in my ears or if the ear is flowing, but without the painful symptoms. If you put a sliced onion to the temples and forehead, you can get rid of the headache. Folk medicine is practiced, even the establishment of the menstrual cycle, removing freckles and wrinkles with a bow!
Onion is one of the most efficient means (along with licorice root) for treatment of adenoma and hypertrophy of the prostate, prostatitis, caused by sexually transmitted diseases. The women used the juice of onion tampons for the treatment of cervical erosion. Mix onion with glycerin (drug "Allilglitserin") is used to treat trihomonadnyh colpitis - inflammation of the female genital organs. Lukov juice, some doctors recommend that lubricate the scalp with seborrhea (from the Latin word "sebum" which means "fat" and Greek "REO" - "Tuku"), dandruff and flaking skin.
However, the onions should not be abused - especially in severe lesions of the kidneys and liver, heart, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer (in these cases, the inclusion in the diet food, even small amounts of onion is possible only with the permission of the attending physician).
It should also draw attention to the advice "from time immemorial" the founder of herbal medicines - Galena. He said that "for choleric onion is useful for phlegmatic - great healer.
That is, according to the doctor, the temperament and character of a person is important to determine the appropriateness and amount of consumption of onions.
Onion varieties differ in taste - sharp, peninsula, sweet, to the ability of follicles to branching (multicavity and malognezdnye) in color and shape of the bulb. Particularly well known varieties used "Spanish sweet" and "bondage". Countries with the highest number (recalculated per capita) were grown onions, traditionally regarded as Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia. With regard to the annual global harvest of onions, it has already significantly exceeded seven million tons.
Two words about kinship, "cousins" and "cousins". In addition to onion, wide popularity enjoyed by leek (Allium porrum L.), Annual and Biennial 50-80 cm tall with elongated cylindrical onion and shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.), perennial herb 20-40 cm tall, with awl-shaped hollow bulbs and a light pink or light purple perianth. Homeland those plants - the eastern Mediterranean. In general, the genus belongs to the onion about three hundred species, and many of the wild species used for food.
Thanks to a peculiar odor and flavor, onion is widely used as a seasoning to a wide range of foods - raw or toasted as onions (and green leaves) are used for filling soups, borscht, Kapustnikov and second courses, vegetables and meat, are part of salads and salads, are indispensable and important part of fish, meat and canned vegetables.
Of the huge variety of dishes we choose and offer you the only two recipes - in fact for the most complete listing them all it would take, probably several bulky volumes.
Onion Salad "Viva France! .."
By finely chopped onions, add sour apple gall. Then mash with a fork a boiled egg. Salad is ready! The French believe that if a married couple to build a similar salad "one for two", it has a tonic effect shortly will certainly please both! ..
Onion Casserole
250-300 g onion slice, sprinkle with oil, and covering pan with a lid, put the (occasionally stirring) in the oven or stove. When the onion "comes", to shift in the pan and sprinkled with grated crackers, put another layer of stewed onions. Bay onion whipped with herbs (dill and parsley, celery or "feathers" of green onions - in any combination, to taste), egg and a little salted, bake until done.
From the book "Be Your Own herb or edible plants-healers" (Kiev, Publishing House "Green Dog").