Again he went to work at all depressed, exhausted, hungry and sleepy ... Summer in the yard or spring, winter or fall - that will, that slavery ... There is a man of energy. The sun is shining, the rain comes ... What's the difference? The taste was gone. Taste for life. How to help?
The wisdom of the human, it bit by bit over the years going. He is wise who use it. How to nurture yourself energy? Why a whole day working at the drop of a hat, and another, as if with a stick, was sentenced to live the People's Court? And his look sickly, and Daisy grave. What is it peace? How to help the poor thing?
The energy can be obtained in different ways. Mother Nature has its share - and the sun will, and water, and other people. And food. The one you choose for themselves.
Taken together, these energy sources will help us to live fully, not tired, recover quickly, do not get along and not get sick.
What to eat for breakfast? Eggs and sausages, sandwiches and suhomyatku invented toropyzhki. This fast food does not add to the health, energy for the whole day is not charged. Why do people such food, which draws its energy? Brings destruction. Or think about it then? When the stomach or liver grab zanoet? When depression tightly fell, trying to crush?
The first rule of healthy power breakfast - the food should be hot. Not just a drink, but the main dish. It is better if it would be a mess. It's true earth-mother. Whole grain yields information about the ear, about how he was friends with the sun, as it gave him Silushka their giving. With a promise of every grain in a hot mess will only creation of health. However, the portion of porridge should be small, in moderation. What avails of the tub any food? That's the how much energy should be at its digestion!
In the evening take care of yourself, beloved, do not prevent - a handful of buckwheat, millet or rice, pour water of the net. In the morning just to boil - and porridge is ready.
Rule Two - morning did not drink coffee, and tea. Better green or herbal. Or, in tandem, right along. Only grass grass strife. Mint, oregano, lemon balm for dinner more appropriate, relax the body, to sleep slope. In the morning - hips, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, a little eucalyptus, a pinch of green tea to tone, youth, beauty - and the divine drink is ready. Drink it must be inspired, sips, passing through a smell of grass from the meadows and fields of my great motherland.
Even for those who suffer, who in the morning spoon scratch the tongue, not accustomed to breakfast, drink tea on an empty stomach will give healing cheerfulness, energy, and will take energy breakfast.
My grandmother taught - grass and tea are placed in the kettle is odd, ie, three or five schepotok (spoons). Why odd? Is this some kind of mysticism, rooted in antiquity. Odd - unfinished. This movement, creation, life. If the same thought at the same time will be only the good, the sun, he drinks and does miraculous will!
What else could nourish themselves breakfast possible? Fruit and vegetables in season - a favorite treat sturdy. Apple, carrot, orange, cabbage, cucumber. Lemon and cranberry, grapefruit and radish. All the beds were sitting on a tree hung with the land but with the sun communicated, vitamins recruited, energy is stored. Now ready to give with gratitude. For us they were in bloom, grow, juices nourished. Solid fireworks energy.
Sugar, candy, cookies, buns and cakes - callous self-indulgence. But chocolate is given for this energy. Dolechka in the morning will help to overcome all the vicissitudes of fate.
I write these lines and sipping sweet green tea with a large slice of lemon. She was so stately was placed in a cup, juicy vakuolki and bryzzhut juice. My portion of energy!
Live tasty! Cheers! With brisk morning!
The energy can be obtained in different ways. Mother Nature has its share - and the sun will, and water, and other people. And food. The one you choose for themselves.
Taken together, these energy sources will help us to live fully, not tired, recover quickly, do not get along and not get sick.
What to eat for breakfast? Eggs and sausages, sandwiches and suhomyatku invented toropyzhki. This fast food does not add to the health, energy for the whole day is not charged. Why do people such food, which draws its energy? Brings destruction. Or think about it then? When the stomach or liver grab zanoet? When depression tightly fell, trying to crush?
The first rule of healthy power breakfast - the food should be hot. Not just a drink, but the main dish. It is better if it would be a mess. It's true earth-mother. Whole grain yields information about the ear, about how he was friends with the sun, as it gave him Silushka their giving. With a promise of every grain in a hot mess will only creation of health. However, the portion of porridge should be small, in moderation. What avails of the tub any food? That's the how much energy should be at its digestion!
In the evening take care of yourself, beloved, do not prevent - a handful of buckwheat, millet or rice, pour water of the net. In the morning just to boil - and porridge is ready.
Rule Two - morning did not drink coffee, and tea. Better green or herbal. Or, in tandem, right along. Only grass grass strife. Mint, oregano, lemon balm for dinner more appropriate, relax the body, to sleep slope. In the morning - hips, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, a little eucalyptus, a pinch of green tea to tone, youth, beauty - and the divine drink is ready. Drink it must be inspired, sips, passing through a smell of grass from the meadows and fields of my great motherland.
Even for those who suffer, who in the morning spoon scratch the tongue, not accustomed to breakfast, drink tea on an empty stomach will give healing cheerfulness, energy, and will take energy breakfast.
My grandmother taught - grass and tea are placed in the kettle is odd, ie, three or five schepotok (spoons). Why odd? Is this some kind of mysticism, rooted in antiquity. Odd - unfinished. This movement, creation, life. If the same thought at the same time will be only the good, the sun, he drinks and does miraculous will!
What else could nourish themselves breakfast possible? Fruit and vegetables in season - a favorite treat sturdy. Apple, carrot, orange, cabbage, cucumber. Lemon and cranberry, grapefruit and radish. All the beds were sitting on a tree hung with the land but with the sun communicated, vitamins recruited, energy is stored. Now ready to give with gratitude. For us they were in bloom, grow, juices nourished. Solid fireworks energy.
Sugar, candy, cookies, buns and cakes - callous self-indulgence. But chocolate is given for this energy. Dolechka in the morning will help to overcome all the vicissitudes of fate.
I write these lines and sipping sweet green tea with a large slice of lemon. She was so stately was placed in a cup, juicy vakuolki and bryzzhut juice. My portion of energy!
Live tasty! Cheers! With brisk morning!