The Arabic name "blue-tomato" (as some call it here, but more often just "a little blue" - it turns out, the adjective itself can become a gentle-sounding noun), and now you can hear in the oases of the Sahara in Egypt - until the Guinea - badindzhal.
Eggplants were not known to either the Greeks or the Romans (though there are other opinions). Prior to the XVII century, no European scientist did not know about this plant - at least not mentioned. But in Arab literature already in the XIII century, said about the culture of eggplant in North Africa ...
The representative of solanaceous cultivated for its large oblong dark purple fruits in southern Ukraine and Russia, the Mediterranean and North Africa, in many Asian countries. While other Solanaceae spread from America, eggplant was introduced to America (apparently in 1658).
Thus, the surviving records of the Arab physician Ibn al-Betar indicate that eggplant was cultivated in North Africa is already in the XIII century. Of the European countries for example in North Africa in this case the first was followed by Italy - commercial sea routes allowed to learn from the experiences of African (specifically, Arab) neighbors. And in France at the beginning of XVII century eggplant cultivated as ornamental plants! The appearance of "little blue", true, is very peculiar.
The fact that the first indications of familiarity with eggplant were the Arabs who were in the early Middle Ages, a close trade relations with the east and south Asia (up to the island of Java), tells us that this plant comes from India. The fact that scientists talk about eggplant as easily and often naturalized in the flora of Indochina (with plant dichaya becomes very thorny) confirms this assumption.
Most likely, the eggplant was put a man nearly two thousand years ago by unconscious selection by one of the nightshade weed species, which often dwelt on the fertilized areas (rich in nitrogen) near the shelter. Moreover, the wild in India (and near India), nightshade species, related to eggplant, there are several. Today is assumed that the birthplace of the cultivated plant - India and Burma, where the history of agriculture also includes the Millennium.
Called once Linnaeus Solanum melongena, eggplant in France became known as "melonzhen" or "oberzhin» (aubergine). In books by Chase found recipes for dishes from the melonzhena: fruit, sliced, with sliced onions and peppers cook for a couple, and then served on a table with tomatoes or cheese (the last component in digestive problems better to delete) seasoned butter.
Just a word about the recipes:
In Uzbekistan and Turkey, except pilaf with eggplant, are quite well-known very exotic dishes (which are nothing but the name!) - "The Turkish bliss", "Wounded turban", "Imam fainted"! ..
Last recipe (with minor modifications) to your attention: 3-4 eggplant, 400 g of pork and beef, eggs, 5-6, 180-200 grams of fat or vegetable oil, three tomato and an onion, parsley, peppers (not " light! "- otherwise fall into a swoon, not only the Imam), flour, salt. Cutting off the stalk, eggplant is placed briefly (until the skin begins to wrinkle) in the oven - do not forget to light a gas oven - after which the skin is removed. "Naked a little blue" should be cut into strips, a little salt and leave alone - for a short time. Prior to that eggplant should not burn, otherwise the dish will be spoiled. And more: to remove the skin are not suitable metal objects - from contact with the knife color "little blue" change is not for the better!
Next. Finely diced tomatoes (preferably sliced) and even smaller chopped onion boil for some time alone with one tablespoon of fat. Then, removing from heat, add a little pepper and finely chopped parsley. Eggplant by this time a little time to overcome and dry. Each bar "a little blue" - Roll in flour and egg and fry in hot fat. In the form should be laid with layers of eggplant and minced meat - the top layer should be vegetables, eggplant!
The remaining eggs should be actively whip, combine the milk and pour a mixture of what happened at the moment. Then, adjusting the work of the oven, put it almost cooked meal - for about half an hour, until a golden yellow crust. Imam - the one who fell into a swoon - ordered to file an amazing dish directly into the form in which it was successfully prepared, and - for aesthetic reasons and for better digestibility of dietary product - framed by a variety of green!
"Imam fainted", of course, very slowly. But there is another recipe - bake "little blue" is a five minute: cut into 4 pieces (each fruit) along them for a moment pour boiled water, repeat the process 4 more times to get rid of the bitterness. Thinly sliced onions (instead of onions can add garlic or raisins - is a matter of taste), and tomatoes, all laid together in a frying pan (with thick walls and bottom) layers, splash vegetable oil. After a few minutes flavorful dish is ready!
Other - incidentally, chic - a recipe you can see here, on the site ShkolaZhizni.ru: Lily Klebnikov, "Eggplant: Are there any more delicious? Moussaka - a recipe one day.
In Ukraine and Russia began to grow eggplants in XVII-XVIII centuries, and the farther north they were called "Dem'yanka." When cooked meat broth, into the boiling broth added chopped "Dem'yanka. In the XVIII century somehow come across even the name "Pakistan", in Dahl's dictionary for this plant, there are other words - "badarzhan" and "baglazhan. Of course, this slavyanizirovannoe Arab "badindzhal.
In his own country is a perennial plant, we have the same - annual weed, frost, "a blue" do not stand up. Eggplant rarely grow higher than half a meter (maximum - 70 cm), regular egg shaped leaves have a purple hue. Light purple (or dark purple) flowers are usually solitary, rarely 2-3 (sometimes 5) are collected in a inflorescence - clustering curls. Fruit - large berries in length from 5 to 30 cm (width 10.5 cm), usually vytyanutogrushevidnoy form, has an intense violet color. Seeds - flat and wrinkled.
In the food taken to use, like cucumbers, are not quite ripe fruit - their flesh is white or greenish, loose or more dense, tasteless or sweetish, depending on variety.
"A little blue," vegetable has long found the most widely used in cooking (steamed eggplant, eggplant stuffed with meat and rice) and in the canning industry - eggplant in sauce and eggplant "caviar" are known, probably, to everybody.
With mineral salts containing iron, copper and manganese, the fruits of eggplant stimulate hematopoiesis, favorably influencing the function of bone marrow and spleen. With more or less regular use of "little blue" raises the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, successfully cured anemia, improve liver and kidney. The latter property is associated with a mild diuretic fruit. In addition, more or less regular consumption of fresh or canned "little blue" stimulates the bowels. When disposing of "stagnation", he becomes healthier - maybe that's why the East "badindzhal" believed "vegetable longevity? And because eggplant low in calories - they are simply irreplaceable in many weight loss diets.
There is evidence that the eggplant can help when dealing with gout. They can - and need - to eat with diabetes; manganese contained in the fruit, apparently, enhances the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar levels. In general, "a blue" - "all ages"! ..
Eat to your health!
The representative of solanaceous cultivated for its large oblong dark purple fruits in southern Ukraine and Russia, the Mediterranean and North Africa, in many Asian countries. While other Solanaceae spread from America, eggplant was introduced to America (apparently in 1658).
Thus, the surviving records of the Arab physician Ibn al-Betar indicate that eggplant was cultivated in North Africa is already in the XIII century. Of the European countries for example in North Africa in this case the first was followed by Italy - commercial sea routes allowed to learn from the experiences of African (specifically, Arab) neighbors. And in France at the beginning of XVII century eggplant cultivated as ornamental plants! The appearance of "little blue", true, is very peculiar.
The fact that the first indications of familiarity with eggplant were the Arabs who were in the early Middle Ages, a close trade relations with the east and south Asia (up to the island of Java), tells us that this plant comes from India. The fact that scientists talk about eggplant as easily and often naturalized in the flora of Indochina (with plant dichaya becomes very thorny) confirms this assumption.
Most likely, the eggplant was put a man nearly two thousand years ago by unconscious selection by one of the nightshade weed species, which often dwelt on the fertilized areas (rich in nitrogen) near the shelter. Moreover, the wild in India (and near India), nightshade species, related to eggplant, there are several. Today is assumed that the birthplace of the cultivated plant - India and Burma, where the history of agriculture also includes the Millennium.
Called once Linnaeus Solanum melongena, eggplant in France became known as "melonzhen" or "oberzhin» (aubergine). In books by Chase found recipes for dishes from the melonzhena: fruit, sliced, with sliced onions and peppers cook for a couple, and then served on a table with tomatoes or cheese (the last component in digestive problems better to delete) seasoned butter.
Just a word about the recipes:
In Uzbekistan and Turkey, except pilaf with eggplant, are quite well-known very exotic dishes (which are nothing but the name!) - "The Turkish bliss", "Wounded turban", "Imam fainted"! ..
Last recipe (with minor modifications) to your attention: 3-4 eggplant, 400 g of pork and beef, eggs, 5-6, 180-200 grams of fat or vegetable oil, three tomato and an onion, parsley, peppers (not " light! "- otherwise fall into a swoon, not only the Imam), flour, salt. Cutting off the stalk, eggplant is placed briefly (until the skin begins to wrinkle) in the oven - do not forget to light a gas oven - after which the skin is removed. "Naked a little blue" should be cut into strips, a little salt and leave alone - for a short time. Prior to that eggplant should not burn, otherwise the dish will be spoiled. And more: to remove the skin are not suitable metal objects - from contact with the knife color "little blue" change is not for the better!
Next. Finely diced tomatoes (preferably sliced) and even smaller chopped onion boil for some time alone with one tablespoon of fat. Then, removing from heat, add a little pepper and finely chopped parsley. Eggplant by this time a little time to overcome and dry. Each bar "a little blue" - Roll in flour and egg and fry in hot fat. In the form should be laid with layers of eggplant and minced meat - the top layer should be vegetables, eggplant!
The remaining eggs should be actively whip, combine the milk and pour a mixture of what happened at the moment. Then, adjusting the work of the oven, put it almost cooked meal - for about half an hour, until a golden yellow crust. Imam - the one who fell into a swoon - ordered to file an amazing dish directly into the form in which it was successfully prepared, and - for aesthetic reasons and for better digestibility of dietary product - framed by a variety of green!
"Imam fainted", of course, very slowly. But there is another recipe - bake "little blue" is a five minute: cut into 4 pieces (each fruit) along them for a moment pour boiled water, repeat the process 4 more times to get rid of the bitterness. Thinly sliced onions (instead of onions can add garlic or raisins - is a matter of taste), and tomatoes, all laid together in a frying pan (with thick walls and bottom) layers, splash vegetable oil. After a few minutes flavorful dish is ready!
Other - incidentally, chic - a recipe you can see here, on the site ShkolaZhizni.ru: Lily Klebnikov, "Eggplant: Are there any more delicious? Moussaka - a recipe one day.
In Ukraine and Russia began to grow eggplants in XVII-XVIII centuries, and the farther north they were called "Dem'yanka." When cooked meat broth, into the boiling broth added chopped "Dem'yanka. In the XVIII century somehow come across even the name "Pakistan", in Dahl's dictionary for this plant, there are other words - "badarzhan" and "baglazhan. Of course, this slavyanizirovannoe Arab "badindzhal.
In his own country is a perennial plant, we have the same - annual weed, frost, "a blue" do not stand up. Eggplant rarely grow higher than half a meter (maximum - 70 cm), regular egg shaped leaves have a purple hue. Light purple (or dark purple) flowers are usually solitary, rarely 2-3 (sometimes 5) are collected in a inflorescence - clustering curls. Fruit - large berries in length from 5 to 30 cm (width 10.5 cm), usually vytyanutogrushevidnoy form, has an intense violet color. Seeds - flat and wrinkled.
In the food taken to use, like cucumbers, are not quite ripe fruit - their flesh is white or greenish, loose or more dense, tasteless or sweetish, depending on variety.
"A little blue," vegetable has long found the most widely used in cooking (steamed eggplant, eggplant stuffed with meat and rice) and in the canning industry - eggplant in sauce and eggplant "caviar" are known, probably, to everybody.
With mineral salts containing iron, copper and manganese, the fruits of eggplant stimulate hematopoiesis, favorably influencing the function of bone marrow and spleen. With more or less regular use of "little blue" raises the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, successfully cured anemia, improve liver and kidney. The latter property is associated with a mild diuretic fruit. In addition, more or less regular consumption of fresh or canned "little blue" stimulates the bowels. When disposing of "stagnation", he becomes healthier - maybe that's why the East "badindzhal" believed "vegetable longevity? And because eggplant low in calories - they are simply irreplaceable in many weight loss diets.
There is evidence that the eggplant can help when dealing with gout. They can - and need - to eat with diabetes; manganese contained in the fruit, apparently, enhances the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar levels. In general, "a blue" - "all ages"! ..
Eat to your health!