How to make easy sauerkraut at home

So, sauerkraut - the simplest and most common way of processing for storage in winter (sometimes - to noviny). Many housewives are doing it only on their own, not relying on markets and shops. Experienced - offer fermenting cabbage only on the growing moon, then it will be hard and crunchy.

Early varieties of cabbage fermented for unsuitable. Headed cabbages they are loose, badly painted in green, are poor in sugar, and therefore they are worse than fermented. Kvas cabbage in autumn, about the second half of September to mid-November. It was during this period is late ripening and medium late varieties. Our elders were engaged in this process is not with the arrival of the first frost, and with the onset of sustained chill in October - at the St. Sergius cut cabbage - cabbage light frost is not afraid, under his influence, it becomes even better.

There are several types of pickled cabbage - shredded, chopped and heads. At home, often chopped and made ready headed cabbage, rarely - shredded. Before pickling cabbages is cleaning - remove all dirty and green leaves, cut Kocherygin, rotten leaves and frozen - and is crushed. Crush and carrots. Previously well after washing and clearing. Carrots need about 300 g per 10 kg of cabbage. Salt should be food, fine. Put it at about 200-250 g per 10 kg of cabbage. In addition to carrots, you can add apples, cranberries, cranberries, thyme, bay leaf - to your taste.

The bottom of the barrel, which is cabbage, pre-lining of a well-washed cabbage leaves. Before laying a barrel cabbage in small portions, wiping his hands on the table, sprinkling it with salt and add cooked parts until she let the juice. Then lay the cabbage in a barrel, and each layer thickness of 20-40 cm, densely rams.

After a bookmark, close the top Pickle green cabbage leaves, cloth, put podgnetny circle and put the goods. A day on the surface of the circle should appear brine. Then, on the surface of gas bubbles appear and the foam - it started fermenting. Foam should be removed. In order to effectively get rid of the gas must be some time pierce cabbage in a few places smooth sharpened sticks to the bottom. This operation is repeated 5-6 times or until until no longer allocated to gas.

After precipitation of cabbage by 20-30 cm and weight range podgnetny removed, removed a layer of whole leaves and brownish layer of cabbage. Podgnetny cargo washed with hot soda solution, and cloth - first in the water, and then in a saturated salt solution. Then the cloth is pressed and its surface is covered sauerkraut. The edges tucked inside the barrel. Then superimposed the net range and less weight. The value of goods is regulated so that the brine is delivered to the edge podgnetnogo range. In this form, in a cool place and cabbage should be stored.

The best temperature for the period of fermented is room for winter storage - 5-0 degrees Celsius. Cabbage will be ready for use, when will ferment in 15-20 days. As a result, it becomes clear amber-yellow color, has a pleasant smell and a special sour taste. In the finished sauerkraut should always be enough brine to be a little unclear and pleasantly sweet-salty.

If the barrel pickle cabbage is not possible, then fit a wide enamelware. You can start a salting in an enamel pan, and for storing a sterile glass jars with brine to pour up to the top and tightly closed jar nylon cover.

A long time ago I read the following information: the patient swallowed a stomach ulcer, almost without chewing, cabbage leaf, which at the time covered the scar, and scars disappeared ... But what healing properties of cabbage are known. Ordinary salted cabbage from the hangover cure, restore appetite, clear thinking and performance, and by today brine - probably the most demanded product.

A farewell - Recipe: Cabbage with Apples. Cabbage prepared - 10 kg, carrot - 300 g, fresh apples (small and medium) - 500 g, salt - 250 gm Try this yummy ... Good luck!