What easy salads can be prepared from mushrooms?

Dishes with mushrooms are very nutritious and tasty. Many people like the mushroom aroma and taste. We stew and fry mushrooms, cook mushroom soup, make pickles, and salads with mushrooms. Now we will just about salads. I will share my favorite recipes "universal" mushroom salad, such that you can cook on weekdays, and for the festive table.

Salad Beans

Pretty simple recipe, but delicious salad. He'll do, as I promised, as for the holiday table, and for everyday. To prepare this salad, we need half a cup of boiled beans, two eggs, 200 grams of ham or sausage PhD, mayonnaise, pepper to taste, and, of course, salted mushrooms - about half a cup.

Sausage, eggs and mushrooms, cut into small cubes, mix with beans and filled with mayonnaise. We spread a salad bowl and decorate with parsley - quick and very tasty! Incidentally, the cooked beans for this salad can be substituted canned.

Layered Salad

I love puff salads. They told me something similar to cakes. Layered mushroom salad one of my favorites. For him, we need ham, cheese, mushrooms, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, walnuts and mayonnaise for refueling.

Mushrooms and fry well cools. Ham cut into strips and three cheese on a coarse grater, eggs and potatoes cut into cubes. We spread salad on a dish in layers, each layer of lubricating mayonnaise.

The first layer - potatoes with mushrooms, the second layer - ham and cheese, then a third layer - the eggs. Above a well Pour salad with mayonnaise and sprinkle with crushed walnuts. Extremely tasty and filling salad for the holiday table!

Warm salad with chicken and mushrooms

This salad does not need to be warm, you can eat and a cold appetizer, but my home for some reason like it is warm and in any other form does not recognize.

For salad, we need the boiled chicken, fried mushrooms, fried onions and carrots and mayonnaise. Salad is very simple - mix all the above ingredients and eat health.

Salad with pickled mushrooms and cranberries

This salad I love for its unusual taste. In addition to the salted mushrooms in a salad includes eggs, potatoes and cranberries. Cranberries should be quite a bit - for piquancy. All the ingredients are mixed in the proportions of what your taste and serve, add sour cream or mayonnaise.

If you are not sure that salad with cranberries will appeal to all your guests, do not mix the cranberries with other products, simply decorate with fruit salad ready. Who wants to, eat it with cranberries, who does not want, let them react to cranberries as a decoration.

I want to say a few words about the salad dressing with mushrooms. We have long been accustomed to fill any salad with mayonnaise, but you can try as a filling cream. Sour cream goes well with salty, and fried mushrooms, and therefore will be an excellent dressing for our salads!