Why eat black pepper is good for health? Why do doctors recommend is the pepper?

What do you know spice? Surely, you remember the first black pepper. And it is easy to explain - the most famous black pepper spice of the East. What is the use of black pepper?

In the tropics, India is growing evergreen vine (Piper nigrum L.). The dried unripe fruits of her - this is all known spice "pepper". The best peppers - hard, dark and heavy. Pea black pepper stored for very long. But the pepper can be stored no longer than three months (loss of smell), so it's best to grind it yourself as often as necessary.

In addition to culinary virtues, black pepper and has healing properties. The chemical composition of black pepper is still poorly understood. Scoville scale of pepper determines glycoside piperine. It also has been found vitamins E, C, starch, essential oil.

For some agencies use black pepper is unquestionable?

First, for the digestive organs. Pepper helps the stomach to digest food, since it facilitates the allocation of hydrochloric acid. To enter the bowels, helps get rid of the toxins and intestinal gas. It is antimicrobial, cleanses the body of worms.

Black pepper accelerates the assimilation of nutrients from food and medicine. Piperine enhances the penetration of amino acids through the intestinal wall into the blood, increasing the assimilation of food during its passage through the intestine. Ayurveda recommends that each year two - three weeks to take after meals, three peas black pepper per day to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

To dream of losing weight will be interesting information that the black pepper acts destructive to the fat cells.

Secondly, for the cardiovascular system. It has long been known to use black pepper to reduce the risk of heart disease. Black pepper helps thin your blood, cleanses the blood vessels, including vessels of the brain. The load on the heart decreases, and thus reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Thirdly, it cleans very good respiratory system, reduces mucus and removes it. However, honey is used as expectorant.

Antioxidants help prevent cancer peppers, cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases.

The ancient saying that black pepper enhances the properties of the digesting stomach, increases the energy of the nervous system, strengthens muscles.

As you can see, the use of black pepper is great. Use in cooking peppers, we are strengthening our health.

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