Summer is over, flying vacation. Again, the work routine again ... I want something ecstatic. Think fresh hot flavored bread for breakfast is only available to the aristocrats? You're wrong! Technological progress has done his job, and today, every citizen can play in the bourgeois. Keyword - Bread (bread maker). Besides, now that all-we-know-why-but-not-going-to speak-this-aloud, falling prices for many commodities, it can be purchased at a very "delicious" price.
What products need?
Flour - wheat premium, rye, corn or other of your choice, including milled cereals (buckwheat, rice). Wheat flour can be used by itself or mixed with flour of other species. For example, bread made only from rye flour, to obtain a dense and heavy, and the addition of wheat flour will make it more airy. Biologically more valuable flour low grade meal.
Yeast. For electrical hlebopechek only used dry yeast. It is important to add is how much yeast as it is written in the recipe: if they will be too small, the bread "is brought up, if too much, the" fall "during baking.
Salt - a very important component, even if you do not like the salty taste, because the salt controls fermentation process and strengthens the gluten structure. By adding salt, you need to make sure that it is not in contact with yeast, especially in those ovens that do not begin to prepare the dough immediately. Just as with yeast, it is important to add the amount of salt, which is written in the recipe.
Sugar - stimulates the vital functions of yeast makes the bread softer, and the crust - more crisp. The taste is more intense brown sugar. It can be replaced with honey or maple syrup.
Fats make bread more wholesome, tasty and allow him to remain fresh longer. Fat is also necessary to choose the recipe - butter, margarine or vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is most preferable.
Liquid, if the instructions are not otherwise specified, is added to cold. Many recipes make use of milk, you can also use water, or milk powder. In calculating the correct amount of fluid to test the use of electric stoves with liquid must be considered and eggs.
These products are required for the preparation of any grain. Other additives can be selected for their taste and discretion.
How to make the dough?
Using Bread is very important to read and follow the instructions. In most cases, the ingredients must be added to a specific order: first the liquid (water, milk, eggs), then dry (flour, salt, sugar, milk powder), and at the end of the flour to make a small hole for yeast. Note: In some models, the correct sequence can be the opposite! Stir in any case impossible. We must also ensure that the yeast does not come into contact with salt.
Since each different type of flour moisture level and ability to absorb the liquid, a few minutes after the start of mixing the dough to check whether it is rolled up in a ball-shaped. The dough should be soft, elastic, and almost did not stick to hands. If it still sticks, you need to top up a little flour. If the dough, on the contrary, firm and does not take a ball, you need to top up a little liquid.
Additives are usually filled in after a special sound when the dough is well Mix. Seeds can be sprinkled and before the beginning of baking, a little greased loaf with water or beaten egg.
To the bread turned out delicious
However, water can be added to flour, beet juice or strong tea - get a tender, tasty and sweet bread.
By the flour for cake or sponge cake, you can add finely grated carrots - baked goods will be especially tender.
Experiment by adding to the agony of beer, potatoes and various seasonings, sour cream, honey, grated lemon rind, etc. Only need to ensure that the additional ingredients do not violate the right consistency of dough, or bread, you may fail.
Make sure that the selected products were fresh and good quality. Do not use fresh milk, if you know what to postpone the start of preparation of bread for a few hours by a timer.
Try removing the bread from the Bread as soon as possible after the end of the cooking process. In the heat condensation, because of which the bread is wet.
Bon appetit and good day!
Flour - wheat premium, rye, corn or other of your choice, including milled cereals (buckwheat, rice). Wheat flour can be used by itself or mixed with flour of other species. For example, bread made only from rye flour, to obtain a dense and heavy, and the addition of wheat flour will make it more airy. Biologically more valuable flour low grade meal.
Yeast. For electrical hlebopechek only used dry yeast. It is important to add is how much yeast as it is written in the recipe: if they will be too small, the bread "is brought up, if too much, the" fall "during baking.
Salt - a very important component, even if you do not like the salty taste, because the salt controls fermentation process and strengthens the gluten structure. By adding salt, you need to make sure that it is not in contact with yeast, especially in those ovens that do not begin to prepare the dough immediately. Just as with yeast, it is important to add the amount of salt, which is written in the recipe.
Sugar - stimulates the vital functions of yeast makes the bread softer, and the crust - more crisp. The taste is more intense brown sugar. It can be replaced with honey or maple syrup.
Fats make bread more wholesome, tasty and allow him to remain fresh longer. Fat is also necessary to choose the recipe - butter, margarine or vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is most preferable.
Liquid, if the instructions are not otherwise specified, is added to cold. Many recipes make use of milk, you can also use water, or milk powder. In calculating the correct amount of fluid to test the use of electric stoves with liquid must be considered and eggs.
These products are required for the preparation of any grain. Other additives can be selected for their taste and discretion.
How to make the dough?
Using Bread is very important to read and follow the instructions. In most cases, the ingredients must be added to a specific order: first the liquid (water, milk, eggs), then dry (flour, salt, sugar, milk powder), and at the end of the flour to make a small hole for yeast. Note: In some models, the correct sequence can be the opposite! Stir in any case impossible. We must also ensure that the yeast does not come into contact with salt.
Since each different type of flour moisture level and ability to absorb the liquid, a few minutes after the start of mixing the dough to check whether it is rolled up in a ball-shaped. The dough should be soft, elastic, and almost did not stick to hands. If it still sticks, you need to top up a little flour. If the dough, on the contrary, firm and does not take a ball, you need to top up a little liquid.
Additives are usually filled in after a special sound when the dough is well Mix. Seeds can be sprinkled and before the beginning of baking, a little greased loaf with water or beaten egg.
To the bread turned out delicious
However, water can be added to flour, beet juice or strong tea - get a tender, tasty and sweet bread.
By the flour for cake or sponge cake, you can add finely grated carrots - baked goods will be especially tender.
Experiment by adding to the agony of beer, potatoes and various seasonings, sour cream, honey, grated lemon rind, etc. Only need to ensure that the additional ingredients do not violate the right consistency of dough, or bread, you may fail.
Make sure that the selected products were fresh and good quality. Do not use fresh milk, if you know what to postpone the start of preparation of bread for a few hours by a timer.
Try removing the bread from the Bread as soon as possible after the end of the cooking process. In the heat condensation, because of which the bread is wet.
Bon appetit and good day!