Brazilian cuisine: How to cook Veal liver?

For the recipe you need:

    * Calf's liver - 250
    * White wine - polryumki
    * Lemon - 1 pc.
    * Onion - 1 pc.
    * Marjoram - 1 / 2 tsp
    * Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp
    * Banana - 1 pc.
    * Pinch of black pepper
    * Salt - 1 / 2 tsp

For marinade, mix wine, 1 / 2 lemon, grated onion, oregano, pepper and salt. This marinade, where we put sliced into thin slices of liver and leave to marinate for two days. Then, slices of liver should fry in vegetable oil, add the marinade and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. At the end of frying add mashed banana, lemon juice, gently stir, and immediately at the table with crisp rice.