Eat parsley harmful or helpful?

With the coming of spring counters food markets once green. And we are vying with each offer parsley, lettuce, fennel and other herbs the March. Is it really so useful? Let's see, what, for example, the benefits and harms of parsley.

There is no doubt that the greens in the spring - this is the first available source of vitamins, and natural, from nature itself. Especially considering that by spring all the reserves of mineral substances in the body are exhausted and to combat the deficiency diseases is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, use parsley - is obvious. Actually in the body. After all, parsley contains a lot of vitamin C, almost daily rate of an adult, and this is the first assistant immunity.

In addition, fresh parsley contains natural folic acid, but it is known to improve the quality of male sperm and reduces the risk of children born with chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, it contains calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones, and magnesium, which calms our nerves, iron - for all who suffer from anemia and zinc, which improves the quality of male sperm and stimulates the male desire, fluoride prevents caries and finally and selenium, which prevents cancer cells. And yet, parsley lowers blood sugar levels, and therefore very useful for diabetics. Use parsley is better fresh, for example, in salads, or add chopped in ready meals. Even doctors advise before eating fresh parsley soaked in water for an hour, as the water drains nitrates. In salads together into fresh parsley should add 1-2 tablespoons citric acid. In such a combination of nitro compounds are not harmful to our body. And yet, salads must eat immediately, since storage, even in the refrigerator, they formed nitrites and nitrates are enemies terrible.

What could be harmful parsley? Medical contraindications it does not have. But we must take into account the one circumstance. Do not buy parsley at first found itself tradeswoman on the street. It is possible that this green has a large percentage of nitrate and phytoncids. And it can bring people a lot of trouble. It is far better to buy fresh parsley at the store, and if you buy from the market, check that the seller had a certificate of sanitary-veterinary examination.
Based on the foregoing, help yourself to health with fresh petrushechkoy! And if you still have any doubts, you can always look at the benefits and harm of parsley in medical references, or the Internet.

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