"Bread is king!" - Russian proverb. And it is true, respect and bread we celebrate the traditions of all peoples of different countries. Each nation has its favorite grain, and their secrets of its preparation.
On hearing Minsk and Belarusian Vitushka roll, Transcarpathian and Kiev Arnaut bagels, pita Armenian, Azeri and Jewish matzah churek.
If you have been to Uzbekistan, then, of course, tasted a cake and, of course, fell in love with this unusual bread. You will not forget its taste and smell! Uzbek bread, thanks to its rounded shape and bright yellow, similar to the sun. And the comparison is not accidental. The sun - a perfect star, which not only shines, but warms and brings benefits for all people. At the star usually pay attention only a few. On the sun compose songs, write poetry about the sun they say writers and sages. "We are all in a swamp, but some of us are looking at the stars" (O. Wilde). "Why do stars shine? Perhaps, then, that everyone can find their ... "(Exupery).
We return to the Uzbek bread. Mehmon-Non, obi-non, non-sutli, patyr - the so-called bread these treasures. The dough is prepared for them in different ways: for the holidays is baked in butter and sour cream, other cakes add lamb drippings and raw onions.
But is everything as in the eastern tale.
To start baking bread as a sacrament. Yeast dough is kneaded at dawn after morning prayers. Leaven dough is stored in a clean place, hidden from prying eyes. When the dough is suitable, cut up his hands on a linen canvas, designated only for bread. The dough is divided into balls, shape the cakes pricked midway, sprinkle with caraway seeds, sesame or poppy seeds and sent in a special furnace - Tandoor.
Tandoor - a miracle of east, which makes the master of special clay, horsehair, and quartz sand. For kindling tandyr use wood of fruit trees.
Cake is baked for about 8 minutes, and then it is taken out of the oven shovel. If the baked cake falls into the ashes, it gives the closest people. This bread is considered sacred.
Cake, taken from the hands of a good man, is warm, uplifting. After all, people do not have enough love, not enough tolerance for each other and simplicity.
The smell of steaming bread - an unforgettable, indescribable! The only desire, even well-fed man - certainly break off a piece and enjoy the taste!
Any meal, the feast begins with the ritual distribution of bread. The most senior picks up a wafer, breaks it into pieces and gives each person who sits at the table. Flat cake can not be cut with a knife, should break his hands on the table to put the "face" up.
And the road has always taken a cake not only as a treat ... It is believed that with a pancake any way will be easy and successful.
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Kofe glyase.
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What we know about the Dagestan kitchen? Halva, halva ... Oh, how sweet!
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Exotic Cuisine: How to cook and eat spiders?
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Features dessert of Romanian cuisine
We return to the Uzbek bread. Mehmon-Non, obi-non, non-sutli, patyr - the so-called bread these treasures. The dough is prepared for them in different ways: for the holidays is baked in butter and sour cream, other cakes add lamb drippings and raw onions.
But is everything as in the eastern tale.
To start baking bread as a sacrament. Yeast dough is kneaded at dawn after morning prayers. Leaven dough is stored in a clean place, hidden from prying eyes. When the dough is suitable, cut up his hands on a linen canvas, designated only for bread. The dough is divided into balls, shape the cakes pricked midway, sprinkle with caraway seeds, sesame or poppy seeds and sent in a special furnace - Tandoor.
Tandoor - a miracle of east, which makes the master of special clay, horsehair, and quartz sand. For kindling tandyr use wood of fruit trees.
Cake is baked for about 8 minutes, and then it is taken out of the oven shovel. If the baked cake falls into the ashes, it gives the closest people. This bread is considered sacred.
Cake, taken from the hands of a good man, is warm, uplifting. After all, people do not have enough love, not enough tolerance for each other and simplicity.
The smell of steaming bread - an unforgettable, indescribable! The only desire, even well-fed man - certainly break off a piece and enjoy the taste!
Any meal, the feast begins with the ritual distribution of bread. The most senior picks up a wafer, breaks it into pieces and gives each person who sits at the table. Flat cake can not be cut with a knife, should break his hands on the table to put the "face" up.
And the road has always taken a cake not only as a treat ... It is believed that with a pancake any way will be easy and successful.
Read more:
Menu layout is: why and how to make?How to cook a delicious fish pie? Click a family meal
What can you cook a pumpkin?
How to choose a sweet oranges?
How to make Bulgarian dinner? Shopska salad
Meet: eggplant, or What, and now you can hear in the oases of the Sahara?
How delicious to save on food
Do you have a cold? Cook garlic soup!
Ground: What will enjoy a delicious four letters?
How to make Bulgarian dinner? Moussaka
What to eat for breakfast? Utilities
Cranberries. What could be more useful?
Sauerkraut: sometimes it tastes better? Variations of cabbage "mayonnaise" ...
How to bake a hot flavored bread for breakfast? Easy!
How to cook the meat in vegetables? Recipe for lazy people
How to cook a chicken in beer? Recipe for lazy people
Kofe glyase.
Lazy, very lazy cabbage rolls. How long to cook a favorite dish?
What we know about the Dagestan kitchen? Halva, halva ... Oh, how sweet!
Exotic Cuisine: Insects and larvae. How to cook and eat?
Exotic Cuisine: How to cook and eat spiders?
Interesting recipes alcoholic cocktails - surprise guest at the feast
Easy Recipe How to cook a delicious soup of sauerkraut in Russia
Recipe how to cook traditional Polish soup - Zurek
What a smoothie and how to cook?
Looking for a recipe How to cook eggplant? Prepare moussaka and Eggplant rolls
How to choose a natural fresh meat
Recipe how to cook a French omelet
What is useful fruit yoghurt and how to cook at home
Recipes How to cook sauerkraut with cucumbers and mushrooms
Recipes as a tasty and easy to cook semolina
Vegetable oil, its types, what oil is better for food and diets
Is it always useful to the oil in a food?
Especially the traditional Romanian cuisine: how to prepare Vertuta, cakes Baklava, placinte
Vegetable oil. Refined or unrefined What better and more useful?
Mushrooms - whether they are useful and are poisonous. Types of mushrooms, composition
Features dessert of Romanian cuisine