Chicken and dock combined perfectly, so we can offer a few dishes to choose from - someone like that.
For the first course
Chicken soup. From a pair of chicken breasts cook soup. Professionals advise putting them in cold water (1.5 liters), but I prefer - you can find. It is believed that in the first case tasty broth, in the second - the meat. Proceed from the fact that the broth, if it add 1 - 2 peas juniper berries and a pinch of sliced parsnip root, and it will - no matter where.
So, boil broth. When the noise rise, ie foam, they can be removed and you can simply shift to another water - boiling water, naturally. From the finished brew breast is removed instead omit chopped onion, chopped carrot and half a pepper, if desired, blocks of two or three potatoes (in my opinion, the potatoes "oproschaet" taste of chicken broth, but this is just personal opinion) .
When vegetables are ready, add a dock and return to pan breast, but in diced form. Boiled rice a lot or ground in a blender, then pouring in the broth we bring to boil and add 200 ml devyatiprotsentnyh cream, stir and warms up again (but do not boil!).
Rassolnik. Of course, again start with the cooking broth. In parallel, in a little water boil slices or wedges of two pickles (cubes, in my opinion, tastier leaves). In stock ready to drop the lightly fried straw from roots - parsley and celery (I always put more root and parsnip), 1 onions, 1 stalk of leeks. Add the carrot circles. It can also be fried, but then put the frying pan, when flush onions, carrots otherwise would hamper his "gold".
Potatoes cut into cubes and send the same direction, into the broth. Cucumbers can be connected with other ingredients such as cooked potatoes, otherwise the process will drag on much cooking. After 10 minutes after the download you can also add chopped cucumbers, julienned sorrel, and another five - off the fire. When serving, do not forget the sour cream and medley of fresh herbs.
On the second
Chicken / duck stuffed. Gutted bird and my obsushivaem, daubed on all sides with garlic, powdered with the salt, sour and spicy condiments, selected by their taste (I think, particularly good for this rosemary), stuffing a pint or Triple diced apples mixed with scalded leaves of sorrel. Bake in oven at 180 degrees. At 1 kg of poultry need 1 hour to bring it up to readiness.
Chicken rolls. Taking chicken breast weighing approximately 700 g, each cut into 4 pieces and gently beats, flattening (as the process of refinement, can be pre-cover every piece of meat cling film). Rebuffed by placing meat 1 hour in a marinade, which is prepared by mixing the following ingredients: 1 egg, orange juice and zest of one of its halves, 1 tbsp. tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon French mustard, a pinch of ground coriander and white pepper. Periodically flip or stir meat in marinade.
While breast marinated, we have more than enough time to prepare for future rolls stuffing: chop julienned sorrel (output - 1 a glass), fry in butter (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), add grated on a coarse grater boiled egg slightly prisalivaem.
Since the process of marinating is still ongoing, We turn to sauce. Boil a glass of milk, down into it a pinch of grated nutmeg and a small piece of bay leaf. After 10 minutes Lavrushka take out, and carefully pour in the milk 1 tbsp. flour, pre-fried with 50 g of butter (actually it is better to do the opposite - to pour milk mixture into flour). We would like mixture to a boil, salt, pepper and switch off the fire.
Pickled chicken breast laid out and straighten, put on each portion fillings and turn. Fry (you can fasten toothpicks, so as not unfolded), and then placed into a form, fill with sauce and bake in oven at 200 g for 10 - 15 minutes. In principle, one can do without browning and bake immediately, but in this case a little longer, 30-40 minutes - depending on your oven.
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