What to cook sorrel? Top 10 simple salads

Dock and useful, and tasty, if of course, know the measure in his hand. But now is exactly the time when he is begging for language - have only to decide in what form, bring to the table "meadow apple," as some call it leafy vegetables. Opportunities - more than enough, it all depends on taste preferences of those who are designed dishes.

And let as a key selection criteria take the simplicity of preparation and use of sorrel extremely fresh (so that none of the nutrients are not boiled, not excessive evaporation and not evaporated). What then can you make salads? The most diverse. For example, a dozen of the fastest:

... Tomatoes

It's very simple. We cut strips of dock (of course, well washed under running water) - so that the output was a full glass. Three medium-sized tomatoes - in half, then the plates (you can if you wish and cloves). Everything should be laid in a bowl, salt, pepper, add finely chopped cloves of garlic and filled with vegetable oil. What could be simpler?

... With cucumber

For a pair of medium-sized cucumbers, chopped cubes, add 5-10 Sorrel leaves (depending on their size and taste testers), torn by hand. Variety of taste chopped dill and parsley - several sprigs each of greenery, and a pair of triple-feathers green onions. Mix up, dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise - as you'd like.

By the way, if you hand a couple of small potatoes - they too can go to work, cut into cubes in the form. Then the salad will become more dense snack.

... With radish

Bunch of sorrel and a bundle of radishes finely chop, just like an egg, hard boiled. Adding straw posechennoy onion halves of the head and, if he wants, even, 1-2 Art. tablespoons of peas from the jar. Mix, salt, dressed with sour cream to taste - that's all short-lived.

... With sweet pepper

All of wisdom - cut bunch sorrel, straw, a pair of red sweet peppers (not the "giants" and "midgets" - middle) - small cubes, add a tablespoon of crushed walnuts, salt and pepper, pour the vegetable oil and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or a dill, or both - as you wish.

... With Chinese cabbage and beetroot

Slightly extend the range of ingredients, you can get more exotic taste. A bunch of sorrel, and 200 g of Chinese cabbage (which is important: without the thick stems) shinkuem fine strips, and a pair of small svekolok three on a coarse grater. This triad - beets, cabbage, sorrel - are the foundation of salad. Mixed up, spread on the dish, because it will fill just before serving.

For the filling to cook the sauce. The process is very simple, but requires a number of components in the kitchen. First, mix a half tablespoons of olive oil with half a tablespoon of vinegar. In this mixture add the crushed garlic clove, on 0,5 st. tablespoons soy sauce and lime juice (or lemon), 0.5 tsp ground ginger and salt to taste.

Watering vegetables cooked dressing, you can still sprinkle with chopped cilantro (one tablespoon will be plenty).

... Apple

In fact it seems to say out loud - with apples. It will do one green grams that way for 90 - 100. The same will need sorrel and another clove of garlic, sprig of parsley, salt and sour cream - to taste.

From the quarters of the apple and take out the core of the three on a coarse grater, not cleaning the skin. Add to it the chopped sorrel and passed through the press garlic clove, stir, salt and filled with sour cream. Laying out work in salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Accept - quickly and without loss of vitamins.

... With grapes

Take a big bunch of sorrel and one small - parsley and dill, finely chop, Solimena. Fill their dressing, which prepared from 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 0,5 st. tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 3 tbsp. Spoon a little whipped cream (for the blender so much - funny, for the shaker - also a big smear on the walls, so just take two forks and wielding a circular counter-movements).

Mix up and put into salad bowl and top placing halves vinogradinok cut down. Instead of fresh grapes can you use the marinade, but in my opinion, the first version is softer and more useful.

... With vegetables "assorted"

A couple of medium-sized carrots, one apple and onion polgolovki chip on a small grater, add a straw from one pickles and a fresh, finely chopped sorrel (100 g), dressed with either vegetable oil or sour cream. We spread a salad bowl and stretched the edges of the rim of thin circles or semicircles of radish, and midway sprinkle with dill.

... With eggs

By "raspolosovannym" leaves a large bundle of sorrel add chopped green onions (a few feathers) and a couple of finely chopped or worn on a coarse grater boiled eggs. Mix, add, except salt, some sugar and filled with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil (for my taste, oil is less suitable). If you want more and herbal ingredients - for health.

... With bacon

Bacon (about 100 g) fry in a skillet until crisp, first on one side, then the other. Leaf lettuce (one or several varieties in total - about 20 leaves) are breaking his arms, so do with sorrel (ten leaves). Tomatoes (1-2 pcs. - Depends on size) cut slices. Mix all ingredients, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice and oil. Yes Do not forget to salt (with me it happens).

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